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What languages are available in Minecraft?

Minecraft is popular all over the world with players in every age range. You’ll find players and servers are available in multiple countries. Some players will speak English but others will likely not. 

Languages available in Minecraft

Minecraft supports multiple languages. The most extensive language support is available on the Java version with support for 119 different languages, followed next by the Bedrock version which supports 19 different languages.

The difference in language support between Java and Bedrock is large. For other consoles, you will find similar disparities. If you plan on playing Minecraft in a language other than English, you should first check if it’s available in your native language before you buy the game. 

Change language in Minecraft

It is fairly simple to change the language in Minecraft. The language is changed for the entire game and not on a per-world basis.

  1. Open Minecraft.
  2. Click the Settings button on the main home screen.
  3. Scroll down to the very end and select Languages.
  4. In the pane on the right, go through the list of supported languages and select the one you want to play the game in.
  5. The language will change instantly.

What happens when you change language in Minecraft

Changing the language in Minecraft will change the language throughout the game. This means that everything from the splash screen message, the loading text, in-game alerts, and inventory will appear in the language you’ve selected. 

This will not change anything on any servers that you play on. Servers may or may not have support for the language you’re playing in. Items on the server may appear in your native language but anything that is in a world hosted on a different server e.g., signs or directions will appear in the language they were written in.

Users manually pick a server to join. They are not matched to servers by the game. If you want to play in a particular game, you should look for servers in the language. The game will not help you find them.


Multiple language support isn’t easy. For a game like Minecraft which is especially extensive, it’s a bigger challenge. New items are added to the game all the time and they need to be translated as they’re introduced. If a language is already supported, adding additional translations for new items isn’t that difficult but to add support for a new language is far more difficult. That’s why the Bedrock version is far behind the Java version in terms of supported languages. 

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