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Search, Watch & Download HD Movies, Music Videos, & TV Shows for Free

Do you want to watch and download Movies, Music Videos and TV Shows in HD format but don’t know where to get it from? This is where Vuze steps in. The interface of Vuze is a revamped version of the Azureus bit-torrent client with plenty of great new features including the support for HD content. While it works on the same principles of a bit-torrent client, the approach of sharing and downloading content has been changed. If you use utorrent or any other client and considering to try out new clients, its time to try Vuze.


Vuze is similar to Azureus and is written in Java therefore is able to work in any platform be it Windows, Mac or Linux. The best improvement is in its interface which is more sleek and looks like an online online catalogue where you can browse and search movies in HD format.


In other torrent clients you’ll have to go to various other sites to download the torrent file before you can download the full content. But Vuze allows you to search within the client and download the torrents directly from the catalogue previews of the searched results. By default you can search the torrent from it’s network only but you can also add other torrent sites to enhance the results.


It also contains a social networking component where you can add friends and share your favorite torrents, when your friends share files with you, your torrent will be given a preferential treatment which means you will be able to download more faster, in other words, the more you share with your friends the faster is the downloading process.

add friends

It also behaves as a UPnP server and stream your multimedia content over the local network, when you download a lot of movies and music and want to watch them from your PS3, Xbox 360, smart phone or any other device, only if it is DLNA compatible.


There are plenty of improvement over Azureus. If you are looking for a more user-friendly way to search and download your HD Movies then Vuze is definitely worth a try.


  1. Hd is doing a killing in europe but not as much in middle east, but its mostly sold on middle east over the net, thats weird…

  2. Hd is doing a killing in europe but not as much in middle east, but its mostly sold on middle east over the net, thats weird…

  3. Hd is doing a killing in europe but not as much in middle east, but its mostly sold on middle east over the net, thats weird…

  4. Vuze is a pretty good site. Hulu is also introducing HD video as well. It amazes me how quickly HD is being embraced on the internet.


    Site is very impressive, I saw my favourite show listed there, Prison Break.

    Gonna give it a shot.