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How To Get The PowerShell Command History On Windows 10

PowerShell on Windows 10 can give you a history of every command you’ve executed in the current session however, for many users this isn’t enough. They need a history of commands executed across sessions. If you need to get the PowerShell command history, and history for the current session alone doesn’t do the trick, there’s a script and a log file that can help you.

Command History Current Session

If you’re running PowerShell 5, you can get the command history for the current session by running the following command;


By default, PowerShell can save up to 50 commands but you can change it to save more. Open PowerShell and right-click the title bar. From the context menu, go to Properties. On the Properties window, go to the Options tab. You will see a Command History section where the default is set to 50. Change it to a higher value.

PowerShell History Log

In order to view the history log, you need to first install the PSReadLine module with the following command;

Install-Module PSReadLine

Next, run the following command and it will return a file location. The file at this location will give you a complete history of every command you’ve run in PowerShell.


Cross-Session PowerShell Command History

This is a bit of a long process but it’s worth it. This solution comes from Intel. First open the following location and check if there is a file named Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 at this location.


If there’s no file there, open PowerShell and run the following command. It will open your Profile file in Notepad but that file doesn’t exist and PowerShell will tell you as much, and ask if you want to create it. Allow it to create the file.

notepad $Profile

Close the notepad file that opens. In PowerShell, run this command to make sure you’re running PowerShell 5.


Next, set your execution policy to RemoteSigned with the following command.

set-executionpolicy remotesigned

Next, you need to install the PsUrl and PSReadline modules. You can install them with the following command though if you get an error, just install them manually by the process outlined on the linked pages, or try adding the repository as a trusted repository and then running the command again.

install-module PsUrl
install-module PSReadline

Now that those modules have been installed, open this file;


Paste the following inside this file, and save it.

$HistoryFilePath = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile')) .ps_history
Register-EngineEvent PowerShell.Exiting -Action { Get-History | Export-Clixml $HistoryFilePath } | out-null
if (Test-path $HistoryFilePath) { Import-Clixml $HistoryFilePath | Add-History }
# if you don't already have this configured...
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Function HistorySearchBackward
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key DownArrow -Function HistorySearchForward

In order to view command history in PowerShell, you need to run the Get-History command however there is one very crucial step to making sure your history is saved. You CANNOT close PowerShell by clicking the close button. Instead you must always close it with the exit command.

You can use the Up and Down arrow keys to cycle through the previous commands.