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Install Software on Windows 10 Without Admin Rights (Quick Fix)

Windows 10 users find it frustrating when they aren’t able to install software because they do not have admin rights on the system. Some software requires administrative rights to install while others do not. The software that can be installed without admin rights is normally portable and very few apps have portable versions. If you need to install software on a system that you do not have admin rights on, you can try the following.

How do you install software without Admin rights?

Here is the step by step guide to install software on Windows 10 without Administrative rights.

  1. Begin by downloading the software and copy the installation file (normally .exe file) to the desktop. Copying the downloaded installer file to the desktop is only meant for your convenience so that you can easily spot it.
  2. Now create a new folder on your desktop. You can do this by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting New > Folder.
  3. Copy the installer to the new folder you just created.
  4. Open a new Notepad file and enter the following in it.
set _COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker
start [Installer Name]
  1. Save the file with the exact same name as the installer for the app that you downloaded, and save it with the BAT file extension. Save the file to the folder you created and moved the installer to.
  2. Run the BAT file you just created and it will install the app.


This simple process lets users install software on Windows 10 without having the administrative rights to the OS.  It’s useful but this workaround also showcases a security loophole within the Windows 10 operating system. This will work with most apps/software but there will be exceptions to this. If you need to install an app that’s restricted by the system admin, ask them to install it for you.


  1. still need admin rights
    some are saying “this app cant run on your PC”

  2. Its not working and can’t work as its just calling the same file from cmd prompt but admin access issue comes after that

  3. I tried this, and it has worked before. However now when I run the .bat file a loop of cmds appear saying “This command prompt has been disabled by your administrator”. Only way to stop the continuous message that appears is to force shutdown the PC. Do you have a workaround for this issue? Thanks DY.

  4. This may let you run the installer, but Windows isn’t going to let you have access to parts of the system that require admin/SYSTEM rights.

  5. So, guess what. Ignore all the other comments because they’re saying that it doesn’t work but that’s just because there are specific apps like voice changers or anti virus apps that also require different things that need admin password so yeah

  6. The article is missing the double underscore for set __COMPAT_LAYER=RunAsInvoker

    Two underscores in front of COMPAT

  7. didn’t work…i think its another one of those “how to do it” but it shows you something else

  8. does not work. keep getting message could not find file make sure typed correctly. checked and double and triple checked. file is named correctly. ugh!

  9. the bat file executes that line in a cmd prompt. Getting a cmd window when you click this is normal. This will not work for most installers as you still need elevated permissions to run most installers. In some cases, particularly the steam installer, this “trick” will let you get past the initial admin password prompt but will fail to install due to not having those elevated permissions.

    I recommend getting the admin to type the password in and create a new admin user account or give the guest account admin permissions in the user registry.

  10. I should’ve looked at the comments before trying this method. It still prompted a password. Thanks for nothing.

    • the bat file executes that line in a cmd prompt. Getting a cmd window when you click this is normal. This will not work for most installers as you still need elevated permissions to run most installers. In some cases, particularly the steam installer, this “trick” will let you get past the initial admin password prompt but will fail to install due to not having those elevated permissions.

      I recommend getting the admin to type the password in and create a new admin user account or give the guest account admin permissions in the user registry.

    • It takes you the cmd to perform the command of the bat file, but for me it takes me to the cmd but still asks for the admin rights

    • That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. it has a chance of not working due to the software opening another window needing admin that’s full-on anonymous. Good luck!