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How to Turn off Notifications on Windows 11

Notifications help keep us updated on everything happening within the installed set of apps and Windows services on a computer. They’re a core feature of any Windows device, to be frank, but when these notifications come in an endless stream, there can be a big problem.

I, for one, get distracted a lot by them, particularly when the said notifications add no value to my work life. If you’re looking to disable notifications you’re better off without; you’re not alone.

Here, I highlight simple steps you can follow to disable notifications on your Windows PC, be it Microsoft services or individual app notifications.

how to disable notifications on windows 11

How to Disable Windows Services Notifications

Windows 11 constantly pushes suggested notifications to promote and help users imbibe new features. While this is essential for newbies, it feels redundant and forced for someone who just wants to get into the nitty-gritty without being told what to do.

When you get a suggested notification banner on the bottom-right corner of your desktop, right-click on the horizontal three-dots to open the notification’s options, which are:

  • Turn off all notifications for suggested
  • Go to notification settings
  • Focus assist settings

The first option is what we’re interested in to stop getting future suggested notifications.

How to Disable Notifications for an Individual App on Windows 11

Understandably, we can’t disable notifications entirely on Windows 11, as we all have apps whose notifications come in handy. Mind you, though, you can now access notifications from the date & time tray instead of the Action Center on Windows 10.

Once notifications come in from an app you wouldn’t like further notifications from, click on the horizontal three-dots menu at the edge of notification and select turn off notifications for (app name).

If you want to turn off notifications for many apps in one go, try the following:

  • Launch Windows settings with a combination of Windows key + I
  • Navigate to or search for Notifications from the ‘Find a Setting’ search bar
  • Once in the notifications panel, you’ll see a list of all frontend system apps and installed apps
  • Use the toggle bar in front of each app to disable notifications

How to Disable Notification Banners on Windows 11

Notification banners are those little rectangular pop-ups on the bottom-right corner of your desktop when you have a notification. I recommend that you disable them for an app rather than disabling notifications entirely.

To disable notification banners:

  • Launch Windows settings by pressing the Windows key + I
  • Again, navigate to or search for notifications using the ‘Find a Setting’ search bar.
  • Under Notifications from Apps and Other Senders, click on the target app rather than using the toggle bar
  • Once you’re in the notifications window of the target app, you’ll find the ‘Show Notification Banners’ option
  • Disable it to stop getting notification banners from the app

Final Notes

With Windows 11, Microsoft introduced subtle changes in the notification systems of the operating system. While you can disable banners and or notifications in the notifications panel, you can dive even deeper by setting notifications priority right in the notification settings window. Eventually, if you feel you’ve messed with your notifications, you can always reverse the changes by enabling “Restore Default Settings” in the notifications window.


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