How To Enable Add/Remove Programs When Disabled By A Virus
Are you facing trouble opening Add/Remove Programs from your Control Panel? Does it give you the error saying that it has been disabled by administrator? Some days back we covered a post on How to enable show hidden files and folders when disabled by a virus, the problem of Disabled Add/Remove program is also a registry tweak caused by some virus and is quite frustrating for those who wants to uninstall a software but this dialogue box won’t just open up. This problem has a pretty easy solution.
Before following the below mentioned steps, it is always necessary to backup registry, if you don’t know how to create backup, follow this link of our other post.
If your system is attached to a domain, your network administrator may have disabled the Add or Remove Programs applet.
For standalone system, follow these steps:
Go to Start > Run and type regedit
Expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER from the list
Now expand the Software branch from the list.
Scroll down to find Microsoft from the list, expand this option and then Windows from the next list.
Here you will see an Uninstall option, select this key and on the right side you will find a key named NoAddRemovePrograms.
Delete this key to enable the Add/Remove Programs dialogue in the control Panel. And you are done !
Warning: Make sure that you have made a backup of your registry before making any changes to it.
Got any questions, suggestions, or feedback? Feel free to leave a comment.
I cant acces Run through Start it’s alaso disaled and whe I try to enable it with a ptrogram it won’t enable/ It still says it’s disabled.
hi, the uninstall wont expand. I tried to change permission tab wich has also possibly been hajacked as is shadowed and I cannot add the tick next to allow. I guess I have to enter into administrator user and see where the malicious intruder hides, but I cannot do without your help.
I followed the above steps. However when I get to Current Version/Policies and expand it, there is no Uninstall option ie it does not exist. Can you please advise? Thanks.
i too have the same problem, can u give me a suggestion. thank u.
I tried doing as you said to enable the add/remove in my control panel but when I open “policies” I do not see the “Uninstall” option. What do I do?