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How to send an email to a Microsoft Teams channel

Microsoft Teams allows users to share files; these files can be uploaded directly from the desktop client, or from a mobile app. With the mobile app, most documents that are shared will be removed after two weeks unless you upload them to Sharepoint and then share a link.

The desktop app, the mobile apps, and Sharepoint are three different ways to share a file to a Microsoft Teams channel. If you have a paid/enterprise Microsoft Teams license, you can also create an email for each channel in a team.

The email can then be used, per the channel settings, to send messages and files to the channel from any email service and/or client.

Email Microsoft Teams channel

In order to create an email for a Microsoft Teams channel, you must

  • Have a paid/enterprise license for Microsoft Teams.
  • Be the admin of the team the channel is for.

1. Create email address for channel

Creating an email address for a channel is easy.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams on your desktop.
  2. Select Teams in the column on the left.
  3. Select the team and the channel you want to create an email address for.
  4. Click the more options button next to a channel.
  5. Select ‘Get email address’.

  1. Copy the email address in the pop-up box.
  2. Click Advanced settings to change who can send an email to the channel.
  3. Click Save.

2. Send email to Microsoft Teams channel

Now that you’ve generated an email address for a channel, you can send an email to it.

  1. Open any email app or service of your choice and compose a new message.
  2. In the address/To field, enter the email for the Teams channel.
  3. Give the email a subject and a body, and attach files if you want to.
  4. Send the email.

3. Receive emails in Microsoft Teams Channel

Emails sent to a Microsoft channel appear as a message.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select Teams in the column on the left.
  3. Select the team and the channel you’re expecting an email on.
  4. You will see the email appear as a message.

  1. Click the more options button next to an attachment and you can download or open it in Microsoft Teams.
  2. Click ‘View Original email’ and the message will be downloaded in EML format.
  3. All emails and their attachments will appear in the Files tab under the Email Messages folder in Microsoft Teams.
  4. You can access the Email Messages from Sharepoint as well.
  5. Anyone in the team can reply to an email but the replies will appear only in Microsoft Teams.

4. Delete channel email

You may decide at some point that a channel doesn’t need an email address anymore. You can delete the channel but if the channel itself is important, you can simply remove the email for the channel.

  1. Open Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select Teams in the column on the left.
  3. Select the Team and channel you want to remove the email for.
  4. Click the more options button next to the channel.
  5. Select Get email address.
  6. Click ‘Remove email address’ in the box that opens.
  7. The email address for the channel will be deleted.


An email adds more flexibility when it comes to sharing files or sending messages to a channel. It is onesided though; users can only send a message from their email app/service. To see the conversation that’s going on, they must be part of the team. If you ever need to receive files from someone outside a team, and then have multiple people collaborate on it, the email feature is an excellent way to do it.

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