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How to play World of Tanks Blitz on Linux

World of Tanks Blitz is an action-packed PvP MMO game where players battle against each other in military tanks. In this guide, we’ll go over how you can get World of Tanks Blitz to work on the Linux platform.

Getting World of Tanks Blitz working

World of Tanks Blitz is a Windows game, and there is currently no port of it native to Linux. So, if you want to play World of Tanks Blitz on Linux, you must use Steam’s “Steam Play” feature. However, before you can use Steam Play, you must install the Steam for Linux client.

Install Steam on Linux

To start installing the Steam for Linux client, open up a terminal window and follow the instructions outlined below that correspond to your distribution.


If you’re an Ubuntu Linux user, getting Steam working is very easy. Just enter the Apt command below.

sudo apt install steam


If you’re a Debian Linux user, the best way (and fastest way) to get Steam working is by downloading the DEB package directly from the Steam website. To start the download, make use of the wget command below.

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

Once you’ve downloaded the Steam DEB package to your Debian Linux computer, Steam’s installation can begin. Using the dpkg command, install the package. But keep in mind, you may run into dependency errors. To fix this, follow this guide.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, the Steam app is well-supported in the “Multilib” software repository. To install the app on your system, use the following Pacman command in the terminal window.

sudo pacman -S steam


On both Fedora Linux and OpenSUSE, Steam is a bit tedious to install. On Fedora, users need to enable a third-party software repository, and on OpenSUSE, it’s not that easy either. For this reason, we highly recommend following the Flatpak instructions instead to get Steam working.


Steam is available as a Flatpak package on the Flathub store. It being on Flathub enables all types of Linux users, so long as they have Flatpak support on their distribution, to install Steam and enjoy Steam games. 

To start the installation of Steam for Flatpak, you must first install the Flatpak runtime. To do that, follow this guide on the subject. It goes over how to install the runtime and configure it too. 

When you’ve set up the Flatpak runtime on your Linux system, the next step is to set up the Flathub app store. This app store has the Steam Flatpak, and without it, you will not install Steam. To enable Flathub, enter the flatpak remote-add command below in the terminal.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

After setting up the Flathub app store on your system, you’ll be able to start the installation of Steam via Flatpak. To do it, execute the flatpak install command below.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

After setting up Steam, follow the step-by-step instructions below to get World of Tanks Blitz working on Linux.

Step 1: Open up Steam on Linux, and log in to your account. Once logged in, find the “Steam” menu and click on it. After selecting the “Steam” menu, select “Settings” to open up the Steam “Settings” area.

Inside of “Steam Settings,” look for “Steam Play” and check the box that says “Enable Steam Play for supported titles” and “Enable Steam Play for all other titles.” 

Click “OK” to apply the changes.

Step 2: Click on the “STORE” button at Steam’s top to access the Steam Storefront page. Once on the Storefront, click on the search box, and type in “World of Tanks Blitz.”

Look through the search results for “World of Tanks Blitz,” and click on the game to head over to the World of Tanks Blitz Steam Storefront page.

Step 3: On the World of Tanks Blitz Storefront page, find the “Play Game” button, and select it. After selecting this button, Steam will immediately attempt to download/install the game on your Linux PC.

Step 4: Using the on-screen prompts, select an installation location for World of Tanks Blitz. Then, sit back and allow the game to download onto your computer. It will not take long, as World of Tanks Blitz is only 2.95 GBs in size.

Step 5: When World of Tanks Blitz is done downloading on your Linux PC, select the “LIBRARY” button in Steam to access your Steam library. Then, look for World of Tanks Blitz in the side-bar and right-click on it.

After right-clicking on World of Tanks Blitz with the mouse, select the “Properties” button. Then, look for “SET LAUNCH OPTIONS” and click on it. Paste the code below into the launch options box.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%

Step 6: In the properties window for World of Tanks Blitz, find “Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool” and check the box next to it. Then, change the menu from “Proton 5.0-9” to “Proton 3.16-9”.

Click “OK” to save the changes.

Step 7: Select the green “PLAY” button to start up World Of Tanks Blitz on Linux! Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the guide, Idk if it’ll work but I’ll try it, my PC is rather old for the normal WoT and I use Lubuntu, I hope it works, if it doesn’t, it’s okay, the guide is great and must’ve helped lots of people anyway 😀

  2. ubuntu18.04, “Proton 3.16-9” and PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% not working
    the game not open.