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How to install the Qogir GTK theme on Linux

The Qogir GTK theme is an elegant, flat Arc-based theme for the Linux desktop. It’s very modern and has a simple color scheme that makes everything look clean. Best of all, the theme sports a variety of colors (dark, light and standard), so there’s something for everyone!

Note: we highly recommend using the Flat Remix or Papirus icon theme with Qogir for the best possible experience!

Install dependencies

Qogir, like many GTK desktop themes for the Linux desktop, is installable via the source code on GitHub. However, before we can interact with GitHub to set up the Qogir theme, we must set up and install its dependencies.

The dependencies that you’ll need to use Qogir is the Murrine GTK2 engine, as well as the GTK2 Pixbuff package. Also, you must also set up the git package to interact with the theme packages on the developer’s GitHub page. Open up a terminal and follow the instructions below to get these dependencies set up and working for your Linux distribution.


sudo apt install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf git


sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf git

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S pacman -S gtk-engine-murrine gtk-engines git


sudo dnf install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines git


sudo zypper install gtk-murrine-engine gtk2-engines git

Generic Linux

Want to set up Qogir on your distribution but can’t find the dependencies you need to get it going? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered! Check the bulleted list below for the packages you’ll need and install them with your package manager. Be sure to also check out your distribution’s official Wiki and forums for extra guidance.

  • gtk-murrine-engine or gtk2-engines-murrine
  • git
  • gtk2-engines-pixbuf or gtk2-engines

Install Qogir

Downloading the Qogir is done with the Git tool we installed earlier. Launch a terminal window and use the git clone command to clone it to the home folder on your computer.

git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/Qogir-theme.git

The Qogir theme files are done downloading. The next step is to move the terminal session from the home directory that the command-line is at to the newly cloned Qogir-theme code folder. To move into Qogir-theme in the terminal, use the CD command.

cd Qogir-theme

Run the ls command and view the contents in the theme folder. After you’re done looking at the files, use the more command and read the “README.md” file that is included with the theme’s code. It’s critical to read this file, as the developer has no doubt included information regarding the Qogir source code and all of the other included files in the folder.

more README.md

Once you’re done looking over the README file, we can install the theme. To install Qogir, you must use the included “Install” script file. In a terminal, run the following command.


Qogir’s installation script has many options. By executing it with the command above, you’ll set up the theme on your Linux desktop.

Qogir installation script features

If you run the Qogir installation script, you’ll set up the theme on your Linux computer. However, the installation script packs in a lot of unique features that let users customize the theme to suit their needs better. In this section of the article, we’ll go over how to tweak the theme and enable its extra features.

Enable Gnome support

Qogir has some stellar Gnome support, though you have to enable it to use it. To set it up, re-run the “Install” script with the “gnome” switch.

./Install -m gnome

Enable Nautilus background

Qogir lets users set a background for the Nautilus file manager by using the “i” command-line switch.

./Install -i

Square window buttons

One of the best aspects to the Qogir theme is that it gives users the ability to swap out the window buttons from circles to square. To change up the window controls in Qogir, re-run the “Install” script with the “s” command-line switch.

./Install -s

Install system-wide

By default, the Qogir installation tool will set up the theme, files, and everything else in the user’s ~/.theme folder. The defaults work fine if you only intend to use it with a single user. However, those who plan to set up Qogir for multiple users should refrain from installing it with the defaults and instead go with the system-wide option.

Installing Qogir system-wide is done with the “d” command-line switch.

sudo -s

./Install -d /usr/share/themes/

Color variants

The Qogir theme has many different color variants that users can choose from. By default, all colors are set up during installation, but users can specify the color variant they like with the “c” command-line switch.

./Install -c light
./Install -c dark
./Install -c standard

Enable Qogir

Need to enable Qogir on your Linux system? Open up the settings on your Linux desktop environment, find “Appearance” or “Themes” and click on it. From there, look for “Qogir” and set it as your default theme!

Not sure how to set up the Qogir GTK theme? We can help! Choose the desktop environment that you use from the list below and learn how to get Qogir going on your Linux PC!

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