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How To Install The Mumble Client On Linux

Previously, on Addictivetips, we covered how to get the Murmur VOIP server component of Mumble working on Linux. Well, we’re back to talk about Mumble again, except this time we’ll be discussing all the ways that users can install the Mumble client to Linux.

SPOILER ALERT: Scroll down and watch the video tutorial at the end of this article.

In addition to discussing how to install the Mumble client, we’ll be going over how to use the Mumble app, how to connect to voice servers, etc.

Note: Mumble doesn’t require that you host your Murmur server to use the software. If you’re not comfortable hosting a VOIP server on your network, there are dozens of public Murmur servers out there. Check out this list to learn more!

Install Mumble Client

Follow the installation instructions below for your respective Linux distribution.


sudo apt install mumble


sudo apt-get install mumble

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S mumble


sudo dnf install mumble


sudo zypper install mumble


A great way to use Mumble if you’re on a Linux distribution that doesn’t have a package available is Snaps. Snap packages are self-contained packages that any Linux distribution can use, as long as the PC is capable of running Snapd. Snap packages have support for pretty much every mainstream Linux distribution out there. If your PC doesn’t have it turned on by default, check out our guide and learn how to setup snaps. Once you’ve got it running, use this command to install the latest version of the Mumble snap.

sudo snap install mumble

Uninstalling the Mumble client is possible with this command:

sudo snap remove mumble

Binary Instructions

Building Mumble from source is possible, though the developers actively discourage it. If you’re out of options and you need the Mumble client, follow these instructions. To start off, you’ll need to install all of the various dependencies required to build the program. Information on these dependencies is on the official Mumble wiki. Read through it and determine how to install them on your PC. When you’ve installed them, use the Git tool to grab the source code.

git clone git://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble.git mumble

After you’ve got a copy of the source code on your Linux PC, use the CD command to move the terminal into the Mumble folder.

cd mumble

Inside the folder, use Qmake to start the building process. Keep in mind that Qmake may take a while, especially since it is building the program from scratch.

qmake -recursive main.pro

When the Qmake command finishes, run make to finish the compilation process.


When make finishes up, the software is ready to go. From here, you’ll be able to cd into the release folder and run the Mumble client.

cd release


Want to get rid of the Mumble software? Open up a terminal and run these commands.

cd ~/

rm -rf mumble

Connect To A Mumble Room

As you start up the Mumble client, you’ll see the “Mumble Audio Wizard.” This tool walks the user through microphone configuration as well as other sound devices. Do not skip this step, as having a correctly set up microphone is very important, especially when joining other servers.

Note: be sure to set your microphone to “push to talk.”

After going through the audio wizard, you’ll need to generate a new certificate. Select the “automatic certification creation” option. Go through, and let it set up the certificate. When it’s done, you’ll see a message that says “enjoy using Mumble” with the new certificate.

It’s now time to connect to a server. Don’t have your server? View the server browser that appears, or find a room in the URL linked in the start of this post. Alternatively, connect to custom Mumble servers (including ones on your network) by clicking “add new.”

Selecting “add new” reveals a small pop-up that is used to enter server details. Enter the IP address of your home Mumble VOIP server, enter your username, and give it a label (aka name). When done, click “finish.” The new connection is now accessible and saved in “favorites” section.

From here, you’ll be able to quickly connect to the server by going to the Mumble server browser that pops up each time you launch it and selecting it under “favorites.”

Disconnecting From Servers

To disconnect from a Mumble room, click the “Server” menu. Inside the server menu, look for “Disconnect” and select it. Selecting this option will disconnect you from a Mumble room, without closing the program. Alternatively, it’s possible to disconnect from a server by closing the program entirely. Look for the Mumble logo in the system tray, right-click on it and select “quit.” It’s also possible to quit the program by pressing Ctrl + Q on the keyboard, while Mumble is in use.

1 Comment

  1. If i want autostart mumble client in Linux ubuntu (mate) .How do I have to do? … If I have to use crontab, what should I do?

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