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How To Install The Flat Remix Icon Theme On Linux

Looking to spice up your Linux desktop with a fresh new icon theme? Check out the Flat Remix icon theme!

The Flat Remix icon theme sports a simple flat design with some tasteful shadows thrown in. It also makes use of color gradients and depth, making it look very modern.

Note: As the Flat Remix icon theme is  Material Design inspired, it goes very well with flat GTK themes like Evopop, Paper, and Arc.


The Flat Remix icon theme has a few different ways for Ubuntu users to install it, though the best way is through the official PPA. The main reason to go with the PPA over the source instructions is the fact that users will get regular updates. Having regular updates to Flat Remix means always having a fresh, current set of icons.

To set up the Flat Remix PPA, open up a terminal and enter the following command.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:daniruiz/flat-remix

With the PPA set up on Ubuntu, it’s time to run the update command. This update will allow your PC to refresh all of its software sources, as well as detect any new sources recently added.

sudo apt update

Running the update command will no doubt detect any pending software updates for Ubuntu. While installing these updates isn’t essential to the Flat Remix icon theme, we recommend doing it anyway, as having an up-to-date version of Ubuntu is never a bad thing.

sudo apt upgrade -y

Ubuntu is up to date. The last thing to do is to install the  Flat Remix icon theme with Apt.

sudo apt-get install flat-remix

Arch Linux

Arch Linux users looking to use the Flat Remix icon theme on their PC have the option of going the AUR route, as the icon theme has an official package there. The AUR package is similar to building the icons from source, it’s an excellent way to go, because the AUR is much faster.

Before interacting with the Arch Linux AUR, you’ll need to do a few things. Specifically, you’ll need to update your PC and install some development packages. To update, run the command below.

sudo pacman -Syyuu

When everything is up to date, install the development packages.

sudo pacman -S base-devel git

Next, grab the Flat Remix snapshot from the AUR using Git.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/flat-remix-git.git

CD into the snapshot folder.

cd flat-remix-git

Install the Flat Remix icon theme into Arch Linux by executing the makepkg command.

makepkg -si


The creator of the Flat Remix icon theme has a Copr software repository available for Fedora Linux users to make it much easier to install and enable the icon theme. If you’re looking forward to regular, automatic updates to Flat Remix through DNF, open up a terminal and allow the third-party software source.

sudo dnf copr enable daniruiz/flat-remix

The Flat Remix Copr repository is working on Fedora. Finish up the installation process by using the DNF command below.

sudo dnf install flat-remix

Source Instructions

If you’re on a Linux distribution that doesn’t have direct support for the Flat Remix icon theme, you’ll have to install it from source. To start the installation, open up a terminal and use the CD command to move to the tmp folder.

cd /tmp

Next, install the Git package to your Linux PC.


sudo apt install git


sudo apt-get install git


sudo dnf install git -y

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S git


sudo zypper install git

Other Linuxes

Git is a top-rated service for Linux users, so you should have no problem installing the tool on your Linux PC. Search your package manager for “git” and install it.

Can’t find it? Download and install it from the official website.

Git is working. Use it to clone the icon theme to your Linux PC.

git clone https://github.com/daniruiz/flat-remix

Create a new icons folder in your home folder if you’d like to use it as a single user.

mkdir -p ~/.icons

Install the icons for your single user with:

cp -r flat-remix/Flat-Remix* ~/.icons

Alternatively, if you prefer to make Flat Remix available for all users on your Linux PC, do the following command in a terminal window.

sudo cp -r flat-remix/Flat-Remix* /usr/share/icons/

Enable Flat Remix Icon Theme

Now that the Flat Remix icon theme is set up on your Linux PC, it’s ready to use. To allow it to be your default icon theme, open up “Settings”, search for “appearance”, and select “Flat Remix” in the icon area.

Want to turn on the Flat Remix icon theme but not sure how? We can help! Choose the desktop environment you use on Linux to learn how to enable a custom icon theme!

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