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How to monitor your temps on Linux with Coolero

Monitoring your CPU and GPU temps on Linux have always been a pain. Thankfully, Coolero has come along and made monitoring these temperatures easier with a slick, easy-to-understand GUI. Here’s how to use Coolero on your Linux PC.

Installing Coolero on Linux

Before you can use the Coolero application to monitor your GPU and CPU temps on your Linux PC, you’ll need to install the app. Coolero can be installed in a few ways, such as Flatpak, AppImage, Arch Linux AUR, and the source code. We’ll cover all methods in this guide.

You’ll need to open up a terminal window on the Linux desktop to start the installation process. Open a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard. Or, search for “Terminal” in the app menu and launch it that way.

The installation can begin with the terminal window open and ready to use. Then, follow the instructions below that correspond to your preferred Linux install method.


To install Coolero as a Flatpak, you’ll need to set up the Flatpak runtime on your computer. You can set up the Flatpak runtime using your package manager by installing the “flatpak” package.

Have issues setting up the Flatpak runtime on your computer? Do not worry; we’ve got you covered! To get the Flatpak runtime set up on your system, please follow our in-depth guide on the subject.

After setting up the Flatpak runtime on your computer, you’ll have to add the Flathub app store to your computer. To add the Flathub app store, use the following flatpak remote-add command in a terminal window.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

With the Flathub app store enabled on your Linux system, the Coolero application can quickly be installed using the flatpak install command below.

flatpak install flathub org.coolero.Coolero


Another way to use the Coolero app on your Linux PC is with AppImage. To get the Coolero app working this way, you’ll need to set up the AppImageLauncher system.

What is AppImageLauncher? It’s a runtime that, once installed, can handle AppImage files, generate desktop shortcuts, and more. To learn how you can set up AppImageLauncher, follow our guide on the subject.

When you’ve got AppImageLauncher set up on your Linux PC, you can install the app by downloading the AppImage from the official website and double-clicking on the AppImage file.

Upon double-clicking the Coolero AppImage file, AppImageLauncher will help you install it to your system.

Arch Linux

The Coolero application is available for Arch Linux users in the AUR. You’ll need to set up the Trizen AUR helper to install the software. This program will make setting up AUR programs much more straightforward.

To install Trizen, start by installing the “Git” and “Base-devel” packages.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel

After setting up the two packages, run the following commands in succession to get Trizen set up.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/trizen.git
cd trizen/
makepkg -sri

Finally, install the Coolero application from the Arch Linux AUR using the trizen -S command.

trizen -S coolero

Source code

The source code for Coolero is available for download and compilation. So, if you do not wish to install the software via Flatpak, or the AUR, head to the official site and follow the instructions to set it up.

How to monitor your temps on Linux with Coolero

To monitor your temps on Linux with Coolero, start by launching the app. You can open Coolero by searching for it in the app menu. Alternatively, you can launch it via terminal with the following flatpak command.

flatpak run org.coolero.Coolero

Once the app is open, you should see the “System Overview” tab. This tab will show you your CPU temperature, your CPU load, your GPU temperature, your GPU load, and your GPU fan.

The solid red line is your CPU temperature, and you can determine the current temperature by reading the vertical numbers on the left-hand sidebar. The solid yellow line is GPU temp, and can temperature can also be determined by the vertical numbers on the left-hand sidebar.

More information

At a glance, Coolero shows you everything you need to know temperature-wise in the “System Overview” section. However, if you want more information in this area, find the “Info” button on the Coolero sidebar and select it.

When you select the “Info” button, you’ll see info on your detected devices, usage tips, and more!

Additional controls

Coolero is an excellent app and gives users additional control over other devices on the system. For example, if you have a Linux-compatible fan controller, you’ll be able to control it right in Coolero by selecting it in the sidebar.

Fan control isn’t all; Coolero also lets you manage LEDs if you have a Linux-compatible LED controller. Just select your LED controller in the Coolero sidebar and use it to customize LED colors.

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