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How to install Elementary OS 7

Elementary OS 7 Horus has been released, and with it comes a new version of the Pantheon desktop, new features, a newer kernel, new device support, and so much more.

In this guide, we’ll go over how you can install Elementary OS 7 on your desktop or laptop. To get started, ensure you have a 4 GB usb flash drive and that your computer meets the recommended system specifications.

How to download Elementary OS 7

Before you can install Elementary OS 7 on your Linux PC, you will need to download the official ISO file. This ISO file is distributed on Elementary.io. To get your hands on it, head to the site.

Once on the site, locate the “Purchase elementary OS” button. If you feel like contributing to the project, and its developers, select a price. Paying isn’t required though, and if you do not feel like contributing, enter “0” into the price box. When you enter “0,” the “Purchase elementary OS” button will morph into “Download elementary OS”. Click it to download OS 7.

How to create the Elementary OS 7 USB installation disk

You must create an installation USB to install Elementary OS 7 on your Linux desktop or laptop. To start, download the Etcher application to your Windows, Mac, or Linux PC. Once it is downloaded to your computer, install it and launch it to start using it.

Note: Usually, Etcher runs fine on Linux platforms out of the box. However, if you have issues running Etcher on Linux, try the commands below.

cd ~/Downloads
chmod +x balenaEtcher*.AppImage
./balenaEtcher*.AppImage --no-sandbox

Once the Etcher application is open, insert a USB flash drive. Note that the drive should be at least 4 GB in size. Next, follow the steps below to create a USB installation disk.

  1. In the Etcher application, find the “Flash from file” button, and click on it with the mouse. After selecting this button, browse for the Elementary OS 7 ISO downloaded previously.
  2. After selecting the downloaded Elementary OS 7 ISO file, find the “Select target” button, and choose your USB flash drive.
  3. Once you’ve chosen the USB flash drive, find the “Flash!” button, and click on it with the mouse. When you select this button, the Etcher application will flash the ISO to your USB. This process could take a long time.

Once the USB installation disk is created, reboot your computer and load up the BIOS. Look through the BIOS and configure it to boot from the USB, so that you can install Elementary OS 7 Horus.

How to install Elementary OS 7

To install Elementary OS 7, start by selecting your language. Look through the language selection area, and choose your preferred language. Alternatively, you can let the installer automatically select it for you.

You’ll now need to select your keyboard layout. In the “Select Keyboard Layout” area, look through and choose the keyboard layout you prefer. By default, the Elementary OS 7 Horus installer should automatically detect it. However, feel free to choose whatever fits best.

After choosing your keyboard layout and language, you’ll be presented with the “Try or Install” area of the installer. Find the “Erase Disk and Install” option, and click on it. This option will automatically partition and set up Elementary OS 7 for you with ease. Alternatively, if you’re a Linux expert, feel free to choose the “Custom Install (Advanced)” option. Click the button on the bottom right when done to continue.

Once you’ve selected the “Erase Disk and Install” button, you’ll be prompted to select a place to install Elementary OS 7. On the “Select a Drive” page, choose the hard drive you wish to install Elementary OS 7 to. When you’ve made the selection, click the “Erase and Install” button.

Next, the installer will ask if you wish to encrypt your drive. On the “Enable Drive Encryption” page, click the “Choose Password” button to go through the steps to encrypt your hard drive. Alternatively, if you wish to skip encryption, find the “Don’t Encrypt” button, and click on it to continue.

Once you’ve chosen your encryption options, Elementary OS will begin installing to your computer. This process should take about 20 minutes. When the installation is done, you’ll see a “Continue Setting Up” window. Click the “Restart Device” button to reboot.

After rebooting, select your language and keyboard layout once again. Then, you’ll be brought to the “Create an Account” window. Enter your full name, your username, password, and device name.” Click the “Finish setup” button when done to finish up.

Once the setup is complete, log in to your new user to use Elementary Os 7 Horus!

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