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How to play Deep Rock: Galactic on Linux

Deep Rock: Galactic is a co-op FPS indie game developed by Ghost Ship Games and published by Coffee Stain Publishing. In the game, players assume the role of space dwarves and do various missions (mining, collecting materials, etc.) Here’s how to get the game working on Linux.

Deep Rock: Galactic on Linux

Deep Rock: Galactic works fine on Linux, but only with the help of the official Steam for Linux client. If you want to play this game on your Linux PC, you must follow the instructions to install the latest version of Steam.

Install Steam

To set up the Steam for Linux client, start by opening up a terminal window. Once the terminal window is open and ready to use, follow the command-line installation instructions outlined below that corresponds with the Linux OS you currently use.


To get the Steam app working on Ubuntu, you need only run the following Apt command.

sudo apt install steam


Debian Linux users can get their hands on Steam through the official Debian software sources, though it takes some tweaking, which is not for everyone. A much better way to go is to download Steam directly with the wget command below.

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

After downloading the latest release of Steam to your computer using the wget command, it is time to install the app using the dpkg command. However, keep in mind that during the installation, some errors may occur. For help, follow this guide.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

Arch Linux

Need to get the latest release of Steam on your Arch Linux PC? Not to worry, use the Pacman command below to get it going.

sudo pacman -S steam


If you use Fedora Linux or OpenSUSE, getting Steam working is a bit more annoying than other Linux operating systems. Thankfully, you can avoid all of the annoying stuff by merely following the Flatpak installation instructions instead. 


You can get the Steam app on Linux as a Flatpak if you can’t get Steam working through traditional means. To start the installation process, launch a terminal window. Once the terminal window is open, set up the Flatpak runtime on your Linux PC.

Once the Flatpak runtime is set up on your Linux PC, you must enable the Flathub app store. To do that, make use of the following flatpak remote-add command below.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

After setting up the Flathub app store on your Linux PC, the installation of the Flatpak release of Steam for Linux can begin. Using the flatpak install command below, install Steam.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install and play Deep Rock: Galactic

With the official Steam for Linux client set up, the installation of Deep Rock: Galactic can begin. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to get it working.

Step 1: Launch Steam and log in with your user credentials. After that, locate the “Steam” menu, and click on it with the mouse. Inside of the “Steam” menu, click on the “Settings” option to access Steam Settings.

Inside of the Steam Settings area, find “Steam Play” and select it with the mouse. Then, check the “Enable Steam Play for supported titles” box and the “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” box to enable Linux support for the game. 

Step 2: After enabling Steam Play, find the “STORE” button, and click on it to access the Steam Storefront. Once there, find the search box, and click on it, and type in “Deep Rock: Galactic.” 

Press the Enter key on the keyboard to search. Then, look through the search results for “Deep Rock: Galactic” and click on it to access the game’s Storefront page.

Step 3: On the Deep Rock: Galactic Storefront page, locate the green “Add to cart” button, and click it to purchase the game. 

Step 4: After purchasing Deep Rock: Galactic, locate the “LIBRARY” button and click on it with the mouse to access your Steam games library. Then, look through your library for “Deep Rock: Galactic” and click on it with the mouse.

Step 5: Upon clicking on “Deep Rock: Galactic,” you will see a blue “INSTALL” button. Select this button to start the installation of Deep Rock: Galactic on your Linux PC. Keep in mind that the installation of this game may take a bit of time to complete.

Step 6: When the installation of Deep Rock: Galactic finishes up, the blue “INSTALL” button will turn into a green “PLAY” button. Select it with the mouse to start up the game. Enjoy!

Troubleshooting Deep Rock: Galactic

Deep Rock: Galactic has a good rating on ProtonDB, so it should run well on a majority of Linux operating systems. If you run into problems, do yourself a favor and check out the Deep Rock: Galactic ProtonDB page. It’ll help you figure out issues you may run into while playing the game.

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