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Google Search Statistics for 2025

Google Search Statistics for 2023

The popular Google search engine came up in 1997 with hopes of revolutionizing how people access and find information online. And it didn’t disappoint! The engine uses complex algorithms to analyze and rank services based on their relevance to a search query.

So, with the help of Google, everyone now has access to a massive database of pages and apps online to find the answer to every question. But how can you find valuable Google search statistics to learn about popular searches, user demographics, search volumes, etc.? Don’t worry!

While Google offers the Trends platform to analyze people’s behavior on the engine, the average user finds it relatively challenging to work with it. As a result, the following article provides up-to-date Google stats to help you understand the impact of this search engine on our lives.

Incredible Google Search Statistics for 2023

Before getting all worked up with the details, consider skimming through the exciting Google statistics in the list below.

Here are the most incredible Google search engine statistics for 2023:

  1. Google.com receives 85.3 billion visitors every month.
  2. Google processes +40,000 queries every second on average.
  3. In 2022, Google’s reported revenue was $279.8 billion.
  4. Users accept the autocomplete suggestion 23% of the time.
  5. Only 0.44% of users go to the second page of the Google results.
  6. 65% of searchers click on organic results.
  7. Over 50% of Google searches end without a click.
  8. Former US president Donald Trump is The most searched person on Google.
  9. Chrome’s desktop usage grew by 23% in the Q1 of 2020.
  10. Only 17% of websites rank on both desktop & mobile.
  11. 91% of all Google Lens results come from mobile-friendly sites.
  12. Mobile users have a greater bounce rate than desktop users.

Impressive, right? Google has delivered such superb results that everyone trusts it without hesitation. But is there more to it? Let’s see.

General Google Search Statistics

Unsurprisingly, Google has become vastly popular in the past few years, pushing all its rivals to the side. But how significant is the impact?

Here are some general Google search engine statistics that hit hard:

1. Google.com receives 85.3 billion visitors every month

(Source: SimilarWeb)

Yes, you read that right! Google is the most visited website among millions of choices due to the value it brings to our lives.

So, based on data from SimilarWeb, the website receives 85.3 billion visitors every month, over twice more than the second on the list.

2. Google owns 92.08% of the search engine market share

(Source: GS StatCounter)

Market share is a vital metric to determine how successful a product is, and it refers to the percentage of total users it has in the industry.

Accordingly, StatCounter shows Google has dominated the search engine competition by owning 92.08% of the market share worldwide.

3. There are currently 192 distinct versions of Google search

(Source: GenealogyInTime)

Depending on the rules and regulations in a country, Google may or may not be available in particular regions worldwide.

According to GenealogyInTime Magazine, there are currently 192 distinct versions of Google search in the native language of that region.

4. Google processes +40,000 queries every second on average

(Source: Internet Live Stats)

Google started slowly, but with its rapid technological advancements, the platform evolved into the powerful engine we conveniently rely on.

Nowadays, Google processes +40,000 queries every second without breaking a sweat. Can you calculate how many Google searches per year?

5. Google Ads show up on 41.5% of all Google searches

(Source: Moz)

Google Ads is an online advertising that allows businesses to develop and showcase ads on Google’s search engine result pages.

Knowing billions of people use the platform, Google has become an exciting billboard, which is why 41.5% of all Google searches show ads.

Google Search Statistics by Finances

In 1999, Google wanted to sell its algorithm for under a million dollars, but it didn’t work out. So, was it worth not giving up on Google after all?

Here are some Google search statistics by finances that hit hard:

6. Alphabet (Google) has a market cap of $1.629 trillion

(Source: CompaniesMarketCap)

Alphabet Inc. is a multinational holding company founded in 2015 and became the parent company of Google and its former subsidiaries.

According to the stats, Alphabet (Google) has a market cap of $1.629 trillion. So, it wasn’t such a bad idea that Google didn’t sell in 1999.

7. Google’s revenue rose 34% in 2021 from the year prior

(Source: CNBC)

Google’s revenue primarily comes through the platform’s advertising capabilities, including search, display, and video ads.

Accordingly, based on data from CNBC, due to the surge in e-commerce during the pandemic, Google’s revenue rose by 34% in 2021.

8. In 2022, Google’s reported revenue was $279.8 billion

(Source: Statista)

Google’s financial success goes to its strong position in the market, the products it offers, and the brilliant marketing strategies it delivers.

Accordingly, Statista indicates that the company made $279.8 billion in 2022 through its ads platform, cloud services, hardware sales, etc.

9. Google founders Page and Brin are worth over $100 billion each

(Source: Bloomberg)

Larry Page and Sergey Brin massively contributed to the tech industry and co-founded Google while studying at Stanford University in 1998.

Page and Brin got lucky not to sell Google to Excite in 1999, and they’re now two of the wealthiest men alive, worth over $100 billion each.

10. Vanguard Group Inc. is the largest institutional Google shareholder

(Source: Investopedia)

Vanguard Group Inc. is a superb investment management company offering clients various financial products and services.

According to data from Investopedia, the company is currently the largest institutional Google shareholder, with 21,522,942 shares.

Google Search Statistics by User Behavior

Do people react the same way while on Google? Of course not. Depending on what they need, users behave differently on the platform.

Here are some enlightening Google search statistics by user behavior:

11. Users accept the autocomplete suggestion 23% of the time

(Source: Backlinko)

The Google autocomplete feature predicts and suggests search queries based on your input to save time and improve user experience.

But no, Google is not a mind reader! However, based on data from Backlinko, users accept the autocomplete suggestion 23% of the time.

12. Only 0.44% of users go to the second page of the Google results

(Source: Backlinko)

Remember back in the days when you had to surf dozens of pages on Google results before finding the desired website or service?

But now you don’t! Google’s algorithm has become so intelligent that only 0.44% of users visit page 2 of Google search results.

13. 65% of searchers click on organic results

(Source: Backlinko)

As mentioned in previous paragraphs, Google ads appear on over 40% of Google search result pages. But do people click on them?

Based on data from Backlinko, 65% of searchers click on organic results, as they find the websites more helpful than those appearing with ads.

14. The average time it takes for the first click is 14.6 seconds

(Source: Backlinko)

How long does it take the average user to decide whether to open a website after entering a search query into the Google search engine?

According to Backlinko, the average time for the first click is 14.6 seconds, and mostly, they pick the first top choices over the rest.

15. Over 50% of Google searches end without a click

(Source: Single Grain)

Despite Google getting smarter every second, many users can’t find what they’re looking for in their first search, forcing them to search again.

Accordingly, based on data from Single Grain, over 50% of Google searches end without a click as users fail to find what they want.

Google Search Statistics by Search Volume

Now that you know how people behave on Google, do you also know what they mostly look for? The search volume stats are here to enlighten.

Here are some exciting Google search statistics by search volume:

16. The Google search volume grows by roughly 10%–15% per year

(Source: Internet Live Stats)

The search volume is a crucial factor that determines the popularity and relevance of a particular topic and reveals customer demands.

Accordingly, Internet Live Stats provides data indicating the overall Google search volume grows by roughly 10%–15% per year.

17. 91.8% of Google search queries are long-tail keywords

(Source: Backlinko)

Searching for a general word on Google doesn’t help if you’re looking for something specific. That’s where long-tail search queries come in handy.

Based on data from Backlinko, 91.8% of Google search queries are long-tail keywords, as users occasionally look for specific websites.

18. Almost 54% of user searches include a brand name

(Source: IEEE Xplore)

Brand names are vital to a modern marketing strategy as they help users conveniently remember the company names.

Accordingly, almost 54% of user searches include a brand name, meaning the marketing approach works like a charm!

19. The most searched word on Google is YouTube

(Source: Semrush)

YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform Google acquired in 2009 for people to watch and share videos through a robust web experience.

Over the years, YouTube has become a massive hit worldwide and is the most common search on Google across the globe.

20. Former US president Donald Trump is The most searched person on Google

(Source: Semrush)

What about the most searched person on Google? While many celebrities go viral depending on their status, only one has remained on top.

And that’s Donald Trump! The former US president, famous for his leadership style, is the most searched person on Google.

Google Search Statistics by Devices

Nowadays, smart devices are conveniently within reach, and people don’t have to wait to get home before searching for something online.

Here are some incredible Google search statistics by different devices:

21. Chrome’s desktop usage grew by 23% in the Q1 of 2020

(Source: ONELY)

Google’s web browser, Chrome, is a subtle web product with speed, simplicity, and superb security features in a gorgeous package.

Accordingly, based on data from ONELY, Google Chrome became increasingly more popular in 2020, facing a 23% increase in usage.

22. Only 17% of websites rank on both desktop & mobile

(Source: Semrush)

Google’s algorithm analyzes websites on various factors, including whether they’re optimized for a mobile experience or desktop.

Businesses build their websites depending on what their audiences require, and only 17% of them rank on both desktop & mobile.

23. 59% of all Google search traffic comes from mobile devices

(Source: Statista)

Mobile devices are more potent than many computers, take on hundreds of tasks without breaking a sweat, and are portable!

As a result, based on data from Statista, 59% of all Google search traffic comes from mobile devices, as they are conveniently accessible.

24. 91% of all Google Lens results come from mobile-friendly sites

(Source: Backlinko)

Google Lens is a robust visual search engine that can recognize objects, including landmarks, and even text in images.

According to Backlinko, 91% of all Google Lens results come from mobile-friendly sites, pointing to the importance of a mobile-friendly website.

25. Mobile users have a greater bounce rate than desktop users

(Source: Littledata)

Bounce rate points to the percentage of users who don’t engage with a website and leave it after checking out only one page.

As the data shows, mobile users have a higher bounce rate than desktop users, which provides valuable insight into who a business should target.

Wrap Up

Now you know a lot more! Google search statistics show how big of an impact Google has had on our lives since its primary launch in 1998. Accordingly, Google has dominated the search engine market share and is the top choice when someone wishes to find something online.

Using the stats, businesses, and individuals can develop marketing strategies more quickly and avoid testing infertile approaches. So, keep up with the latest Google statistics, target the right audience, and engage with them as much as possible for a successful strategy.


  • What is the most Googled question?

According to data from Google Trends, the “What is my IP” search query remains the most searched question on Google, with over 4,090,000 average global search volume.

  • What is the most searched country?

According to data from Google Trends, the United States (the US) remains the most searched country on Google. Additionally, GlobalStats suggests Google holds 88.93% of the search engine market share in the US.

  • What are the most popular search engines?

As you already know, Google has dominated the search engine market share and remains on top of the list as the most popular search engine, followed by Bing and Baidu.
