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Will Watching Movies In 3D Affect Your Health?

People suffering from eyes diseases such as amblyopia or lazy eye cannot see movies in 3D. However, that is the least of the vows of people suffering from headaches, nausea and dizziness after watching 3D. As this technology enters the cinemas, games and even our TV sets, we look at the implications of 3D technology and possible health hazards that it may cause.

Although there is news that the first installment of Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows may not be released in 3D, however, it is quite likely that not just the next part of Harry Potter (Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows  2) will be released in 3D but also many other mainstream movies in the near future. People are already divided in two opposing segments comprising the fans and haters of 3D movies and technology. It is a well known fact that people with eye problems can not only find it difficult (if not impossible) to watch 3D based imagery, but also suffer from health issues.

A few weeks ago Samsung posted a warning on their Australian website, saying that, “Some viewers may experience discomfort while viewing 3D TV such as dizziness, nausea and headaches. If you experience any such symptom, stop viewing 3D TV, remove 3D Active Glasses and rest. A responsible adult should frequently check on children who are using the 3D function. If there are any reports of tired eyes, headaches, dizziness, or nausea, have the child stop viewing 3D TV and rest”.

It has also been learned that watching 3D for some people can even lead to Photosensitive and Epileptic seizure. While a list of other possible side effects associated with watching 3D for a long period of time include:

Eye or muscle twitching, headache, vomiting, nausea, cramps, disorientation, loss of awareness and sleeplessness. Among the horde of large corporations cashing in with 3D technology, Samsung has indeed made a brave and praise worthy move of warning people regarding possible health hazards of watching 3D TV.

As we get swept away by the wonders of watching mind blowing 3D imagery in cinemas and now at home, it is worth asking the question about the nature of problems that it may bring along with it. On a personal basis I find the idea of 3D to be quite discomforting as there is no telling what effect it might have on the human brain itself when it is exposed in a state of self inflicted “ecstasy” of imagery. One question that I have not seen anyone ask as yet is the effect of such technology on people with mental illnesses and the possibility of ending up the same road due to 3D addiction. I don’t mean to jump to conclusions, however, I believe that there is extensive research necessary into the effects of this technology before we start embracing it freely and allowing vulnerable minds of our children to be exposed to it.



  1. Tell this to the boy who got stabbed after someone watched the Scream movie (which was a long time back). Here is a link for your convenience.


    The effect of violence connected to video games, TV and Movies has although been debated but related crimes like the one above have occurred. The effect of 3D to the mind is far more intense as can be understood by applying basic common sense.

    If you think that it was perhaps the drugs that caused the stabbing. Then just check out the YouTube comments below any movie trailer. People seem to have diminished in IQs due to the mass media. I was amused to see anti Angel and anti-God comments below the trailers of movies like Legion and The Prophecy. Some of these comments seemed motivated by the trailer. One guy even said something like “So this is how Angels are we have been fed lies”. Obviously he meant that they were evil since it was the trailer of The nineteen nineties movie called The Prophecy.
    Nonetheless, thank you for your feedback, although I seldom write such articles as they are not our core focus but if and when I do, I will make sure to add more references. For now the Samsung report is reffed in the article to support my argument.

    • Also see the below link, it will give you an idea of what I am talking about i.e. the negative effect of mass media. But that is another topic for another debate which is somewhat related to the point of view presented above.


  2. You might want to get your research straight. Have read that to date (even though it is early days), no adverse lasting affects of the technology have been found. If anything, 3D can be even adopted to catch early problems in children like lazy eyes, focusing issues, etc (refer to last bit of first article). 3D technology may have its flaws or even concerns/precautions we should be aware of, but before the experts do there research, there is no point in scaring people by implying it does. Yes, even though you haven’t said that directly and on the face of it are just warning people to be careful – which would have been fine. By saying “no telling what effect it might have on the human brain itself when it is exposed in a state of self inflicted “ecstasy” of imagery” you are using a phenomenon referred to as ‘framing’ in behavioral finance where even though you haven’t said something explicitly, you have given enough detail for one to imagine the scenario which in turn leads them to believe the probability of that event happening is higher than it actually is. Even though statistically, the more detail one gives, the smaller the probability of that event happening is (relatively speaking).




  3. The word “comprise” does not take an “of.”

    This comprises of three things.

    This comprises three things.

    Please. Get it right.