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Apple Vision Pro Review: Revolutionizing the Way We See

Apple Vision Pro, Apple’s newest high-tech device, has been generating a lot of chatter among technology enthusiasts. It is a mixed-reality headset that integrates digital media into the real world. Users can take advantage of advanced features such as eye tracking, speech recognition, and motion tracking to interact with digital content and immerse themselves in fascinating environments.

As a device blending augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) and offering innovative features, as you can expect, it’s available at a premium price. Starting at $3,499, Apple Vision Pro can be a hard sell at first glance, but let’s not jump to conclusions without thoroughly examining the features and hearing the collective opinion of users. By the end of this Apple Vision Pro review, you’ll have enough information to decide whether or not it’s a device for you.

Apple Vision Pro

What are users saying about Apple Vision Pro?

Apple Vision Pro has been available in the United States since February 2, 2024. It was recently released in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the UK. So, many passionate users have had their hands on the device for some time, and there is a lot of feedback and reviews available online from different people. Let’s check out some of them:

A professional user who has tried many virtual reality headsets before shared his thoughts about Apple Vision Pro on Reddit. He has been using Apple Vision Pro for over 60 days and has spent hundreds of hours with it, doing various tasks like watching multimedia content, participating in VRChat, browsing different websites, playing arcade games, writing scripts, and more. He calls it the most impressive extended reality headset in terms of technology and user experience.

The Apple Vision Pro has the best screens I’ve seen, the best sound, the best passthrough, the best gesture recognition, and the best interface I’ve encountered in a device of this kind.” He praised the device. However, he says that it’s not perfect. Especially he notes that the weight distribution is not good at all. So, it can be quite uncomfortable and heavy for longer sessions. Moreover, he mentions the lack of virtual controllers and exclusive content to showcase the device’s power.

Another user recently shared his Apple Vision Pro review after spending 24 hours with Apple Vision Pro. “Watching movies on this, using the Cinema Environment, is truly even better than watching a movie at an actual cinema.” He admired the display and sound quality in a tweet. Moreover, he was amazed by the speed of input using eye tracking and the quality of the cameras. On the other hand, he criticized the restrictiveness of having a cable attached to the device and mentioned encountering a number of bugs, such as being stuck in the Passthrough mode.

Overall, based on the Apple Vision Pro reviews out there, most users are happy with it. It’s an impressive device in terms of display quality and advanced technologies such as eye tracking, yet it can be uncomfortable to use, and after more than six months, there are still bugs that need to be fixed by Apple. Furthermore, we need to mention that many interested users have not been able to buy the device due to the premium price and are waiting for a price cut or a cheaper model to finally jump in and try it out.

Disney+ Launches Immersive National Geographic Environment and 3D Films for Apple Vision Pro

Disney+ on Apple Vision Pro

Recently, Disney announced the launch of a new immersive environment from National Geographic on Apple Vision Pro. This offer is exclusively for Disney+ subscribers. Apple Vision Pro users can download the Disney+ app on their device and transport themselves to Thingvellir National Park, one of the stunning locations of Iceland. This is a collaboration between National Geographic and Disney Studio Technology to create a natural 3D environment showcasing a detailed snowy winter day.

In addition, four new 3D Marvel Studios movies are available now to watch with Apple Vision Pro. These include fan-favorite Marvel movies: Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ant-Man, and Ant-Man and the Wasp. Disney+ subscribers can access these content right now.

If you read any Apple Vision Pro review from reliable sources, you can easily find out that one of the strong aspects of the device is actually the quality of the screen and sound, rivaling even the best OLED gaming monitors. As a result, the addition of the National Geographic environment and 3D movies can be very exciting for the owners of Apple Vision Pro and potentially can incentivize people who were on the fence to pull the trigger.

Other Revolutionary Features of the Apple Vision Pro

Screen on Apple Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro provides many revolutionary features that are new to the public, and they haven’t experienced them before. Some of these features are only the earliest versions of the specific technology and we can expect to experience a more advanced version of them with possible future devices from Apple or other tech giants. In this section, we discuss more unique capabilities of this device:

  • Advanced Eye-Tracking: Apple Vision Pro can track where you are looking and lets you interact with objects through this technology. For instance, simply looking at an element in front of you and performing a minimal gesture like moving your finger acts as a click and selects the element. It’s pretty responsive and works very fast.
  • Spatial Computing: With a spatial computing interface, your app and digital content can exist in your living space, and you can freely interact with them through different ways, such as eyes, motions, and voice. It’s designed to take into account the natural human behaviors, and it’s something we haven’t seen any other device offer at this level of elegance.
  • Passthrough Mode: Using external high-quality cameras, Apple Pro Vision offers a great feature called Passthrough Mode, where users can see their surroundings while interacting with digital content. It’s an essential part of the Apple Pro Vision experience that allows users to be aware of their surroundings at all times and keeps them safe and present.
  • VisionOS: Apple Vision Pro is equipped with a specifically designed operating system that supports a wide range of apps. It’s designed to take advantage of all of the device’s features and let developers create new, exciting apps.
  • 3D Spatial Audio: Like the visual interface, Apple Vision Pro is designed to create a sound experience similar to the real world. This is possible through multiple microphones and speakers in the device that create a sound field and make it feel like the sounds are coming in specific directions.
  • Eyesight Feature: This feature is designed not for the user but for other people who are nearby. Using the external display, Apple Vision Pro shows the user’s eyes so others can see them, too. This creates a more natural communication method that removes the barrier of most headsets and lets people connect with each other more freely.
  • Seamless Integration: One of the things that makes using Apple Vision Pro so convenient is the seamless integration with the Apple ecosystem. With the smooth integration, users can easily connect and use other Apple devices within a spatial environment.
  • Dual 4K Micro-OLED Displays: The display for each eye shows more pixels than a 4K TV. This level of display quality makes the visual aspect of the device very impressive. With exceptional color accuracy, crisp details, high brightness and deep black thanks to OLED, Apple Vision Pro can provide highly immersive environments.

Is the Apple Vision Pro worth it?

With the $3,499 price tag for the 256GB version, the most important question can be: “Is it worth it?” Apple Vision Pro mostly justifies premium prices with advanced technology and innovative features, but it is certainly not for everyone.

Of course, the first people who bought the device were tech enthusiasts, developers, and innovators eager to try out the newest technology. In addition to that, we recommend Apple Vision Pro to creative professionals who want to immerse themselves in a believable environment and enhance their productivity and creativity. However, Apple Vision Pro doesn’t seem like a good investment for the average consumer with a limited budget right now. Considering the device is still not bug-free and more new content and apps will be available along the line, it can be wise to wait for a price cut and buy it when it offers better software support.