How To Make Gold Card for HTC Desire HD
This method is brought to us by MoDaCo Admin Paul and lets you easily create a GoldCard for your phone that lets you install any official HTC Desire HD ROM regardless of the carrier or region it is intended for. Here is the complete guide.
Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your SD card or phone becomes corrupt, damaged or unusable during the process.
- Spare microSD card.
- Windows PC (recommended).
ADB (Part of the Android SDK).Not required anymore; GoldCard Helper App is now used instead.- HxD Hex Editor.
- GoldCard Helper app from Android Market.
- Format the microSD card to FAT32.
- Launch GoldCard Helper on your phone.
- Note down the ‘Card:mmc2, Reverse CID’ value, making sure to use mmc2 and not mmc1.
- Go to this page, enter the reverse CID from the previous step as well as your email address and submit the form. It will create create your goldcard image and email it to you.
- Open your mailbox and download the goldcard image to your computer.
- Launch HxD hex editor on your computer by right-clicking it and clicking ‘Run as Administrator’.
- Mount your SD card to your computer, preferably using a card reader but you can try using your phone as well.
- Go to ‘Extra’ menu > ‘Open Disk’.
- Select Removable Disk (which should be your SD card) under Physical Disk (and NOT logical disk), uncheck ‘Open as Readonly’ and click OK.
- Go to the ‘Extra’ > ‘Open Disk Image’ and open the goldcard image downloaded in Step 5.
- Select ‘512 (Hard disks/Floppy disks)’ as the sector size when prompted and click ‘OK’.
- In the goldcard image tab, go to ‘Edit’ > ‘Select All’ and then ‘Edit’ >’Copy’.
- In the ‘Removable Disk’ tab, highlight offset (line) 00000000 to offset (line) 00000170 including the 00000170 line and go to ‘Edit’ menu > ‘Paste Write’.
- Click ‘File’ > ‘Save’ and accept any warning that you get.
Congratulations – you should now have a gold card, enabling you to install official Android ROMs intended for other carriers on your carrier-branded HTC Desire HD. Note that if you want to flash custom ROMs, you will have to permanently root your HTC Desire HD instead.
In my card I see a jump from 160 to 176… so I’ll paste from 0 to 176? Will it be ok?
where is the mmc2 number?…there is only mmc0 and mmc1
on step 13, the “Paste-write” option is greyed out. I first clicked on the goldcard.img tab, select all which shows all lines highlighted, i then select copy. When i go into the card tab, i highlight the lines all the way till 00000170 including that line and select edit and that is where the Paste-write option is greyed out, not letting me to paste the new info. I also tried just reformatting the card but with no luck on pasting as well. Help please
confused on atep 14.
Click ‘File’ > ‘Save’ and accept any warning that you get. where am i saving this img file to my sd card
This page returns 404 error !
Gold card created and seemed to work fine, Still get CID incorrect when trying to downgrade on my Desire HD. Any ideas ?
Dear Haroon,
Where to get gold card image as provided link is not working. please help.
i have hdhd with orange rom on it, i have unlocked phone with code, so i can use this phone with any sim card. Do i still need to make a goldcard if i want to downgrade?
I kept getting the “Error [131]: CUSTOMER ID ERROR” when I ran the UU_……exe.
If you have the same problem, what fixed it for me was taking out the battery before the reboot.
Thank you very much for this tutorial.
Oh yes, I also didn’t format the card in the card reader but used the phone’s unmount then Erase commands for the card. I don’t know which of the two things I did actually got the thing to work…
Ah, yes, I also remembered that I switched on USB debugging in Settings > Applications > Development.
Now I wonder which of the changes I made was the crucial one!
what do you mean by the ‘extra’ menu?
i followed all the steps perfectly, but now my phone tells me my sd card is damaged
thank thank you . You are a life saver after many attempts on other methods now yours Worked
I always get the error that SD card is invalid and it asks me to reformat…. please help
Actually I faced the same problem but then I realized that I was choosing logical disk(the list with all the logical drives on ur comp) but we have to choose PHYSICAL disk (last list which shows the different Hard Drives(PHYSICAL) and a removable drive),select the removable drive(probably the last item in the list).
OK Im having problems following the instructions. The order of events seems to be the problem.
Following steps on [GUIDE] How to downgrade 1.7x/1.8x/2.x to 1.32.405.6 – xda-developers I have downloaded the file from the mirror location URL provided.
I can open it and extract all files on my computer. so far so good.
Now I switch to the link How To Make Gold Card for HTC Desire HD to create a gold card. I again successfully create the card by editing the Hex value of the SD card with that returned me on an email from the site that took my mmc2 CID value as input. Now, when I try to copy the ZIP file (as per instructions) on the root folder of the SD card, windows complaints that the disk is not formated, do you want to format it now ? I suppose this is for obvious reasons as I edited the Hex value of the SD card as per instructions so windows can’t access it. How should I copy the ZIP file on it then.
Second issue, the instructions talk about executing the adb.exe from the downgrade folder.. where is the downgrade folder? If I assume that the downgrade folder is the folder where the downloaded ZIP file has been extracted then I don'[t see that folder structure in it as expected in the instructions. For e.g. /data/local/tmp/psneuter
The files I see in the downloaded file are below and no folder structure whatsoever:
Any ideas please ?
when I follow steps on to downgrade that has a dependency to have a gold card, i struggle to understand the order/sequence of events to follow.
I have successfully followed instructions using hex editor but can’t copy the file to the SD card as windows complains that the SD card is not recognised and requires a format. I suppose this is because using hex editor, I edited the lines 00000000 to 00000170 ?
Any help on how to copy the zip file on the SD card after converting it to goldcard?
hey how will i know if i done correctly to this steps while still in my pc.Is it when i open my sd card on my computer…it is said that my card is not formatted.Am i done it well?
when i insert the goldcard, i get the notification “damaged SD card, You may have to reformat” .. what does this mean? have i done something wrong?
Will this method work for HTC Desire Z?? I’m struggling on trying to debrand from Vodafone UK.
HI, does this kill the SD card you use to do it – I used a 32 gig micro sd card – but now want it back the way it was, or will a format set it straight – or can I go back in and reset the hex values? help please 🙂
Hello guys ,,, thanks for all these posts…
Im wrestling with a HTC DESIRE HD failure to read a correct CID during the read zip file.. during re-boot…
I notice your line in the instructions reads ..
3.Note down the ‘Card:mmc2, Reverse CID’ value, making sure to use mmc2 and not mmc1.
Only problem I can see is the .android.goldcard helper offers up
MMC2 or MMC0 ! ….
Now Originally I used the GOLD CARD PC tool 0.0.5 (admin) to retrieve the reverse CID AND …..
it only offers MMC1 or MMC0 and only MMC0 would produce a CID number so I used that…
I just re-checked all the info above twice before posting…
Can you see my problem… ?
Command prompt to roll back the ROM version… I get a error on the back end
C:\Documents and Settings\RicK>cd c:\downgrade
C:\Downgrade>adb push psneuter /data/local/tmp
adb server is out of date. killing…
* daemon started successfully *
1516 KB/s (0 bytes in 557962.000s)
C:\Downgrade>adb push misc_version /data/local/tmp
989 KB/s (0 bytes in 15837.000s)
C:\Downgrade>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/psneuter
C:\Downgrade>adb shell chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/misc_version
C:\Downgrade>adb shell /data/local/tmp/psneuter
property service neutered.
killing adbd. (should restart in a second or two)
C:\Downgrade>adb shell
adb server is out of date. killing…
* daemon started successfully *
# cd /data/local/tmp
cd /data/local/tmp
# ./misc_version -s 1.31.405.6
./misc_version -s 1.31.405.6
–set_version set. VERSION will be changed to: 1.31.405.6
Patching and backing up partition 17…
Error opening backup file.
ANY body got any tips or advice …
MANY thanks for your kind help …
Note: You can use any hex editor on any platform.
*well, any that allow editing an SD card
on step 13, the “Paste-write” option is greyed out. I first clicked on the goldcard.img tab, select all which shows all lines highlighted, i then select copy. When i go into the card tab, i highlight the lines all the way till 00000170 including that line and select edit and that is where the Paste-write option is greyed out, not letting me to paste the new info. I also tried just reformatting the card but with no luck on pasting as well. Help please
I’m sorry, I have no idea on what might be causing that. If you formatted your SD card successfully, that means you do have read/write access to it and it isn’t write-protected so this should work.
You can try visiting the original thread of this method at the [via Modaco] link provided above at the end of the article…perhaps someone else there has come across this issue and can help you?
In the the editor, when you open the disk, uncheck “Read only”. It should work.
hi marcio i have a same problem do you done this or not if you done please help me my e mail i d please?
Sweet, i was just wondering b/c i was having an issue with getting that part installed and was wondering if i could just skip it. Thanks man!
why do you need ADB in order to do this?
Thanks for bringing it up – it isn’t needed for this now in fact. This post initially used an ADB command instead of the GoldCard Helper App to retrieve the reverse CID but after editing it to include that tool instead, I must have forgotten to remove the ADB reference from the requirements section.
Use Panasonic SDFormatter.
I have tried 6 differnt makes and sizes of SD card and none of them work, I always get the error that SD card is invalid and it asks me to reformat…. please help