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How to Add Developer Tab in Excel: 2 Best Methods for You

If you’re asking the questions about how to add Developer tab in Excel, you’re in the right place. The Developer tab in Excel houses all the advanced functionalities that Excel can perform and is usually kept hidden from regular users.

Continue reading till the end of the article to find out what is the Developer tab in Excel and how to activate that on your Microsoft Excel application.

How to Add Developer Tab in Excel 2 Best Methods for You

What Is the Developer Tab in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is not just for numerical calculations or producing graphs. It also lets you create interactive, intuitive, live, and visual dashboards to showcase data.

Another important function of Excel is automating repetitive steps using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming and Macros.

The above tasks need special elements, and they’re kept in the Developer tab of Excel. Find below a complete list of functionalities that you can find in the Excel’s Developer tab:

  • Enabling, recording, and running macros
  • Get ActiveX commands
  • Utilize XML commands
  • Build apps that work with Microsoft 365 apps
  • Create form controls in Excel
  • Work in ShapeSheet of Visio
  • Produce new stencils and shapes in Visio

How to Add Developer Tab in Excel: Method 1

Adding the Developer tab is quite easy if you follow these steps on your Excel software on a Windows PC or a macOS computer:

  • Right-click on any blank space in the Excel ribbon menu.
  • A context menu with four choices will appear.
  • Select Customize the Ribbon.
  • You’ll now see the Excel Options dialog box.
  • Usually, the Developer option will be available under the left-side commands list.
  • The header in this list is Choose commands from.

How to Add Developer Tab in Excel from Excel Options screen

  • You need to scroll the list and find the Developer option and select that.
  • Then click on the Add>> button in the middle to send the Developer option to Customize the Ribbon list.
  • Now, simply check mark the box beside Developer.
  • Click Ok on the Excel Options screen to close it.
  • Now you should see the Developer tab in Excel beside the View menu.

How to Add Developer Tab in Excel: Method 2

Here is another way to insert the Developer tab in the Excel ribbon menu:

  • When you’re on an Excel workbook and want to add the Developer tab in the Excel workbook, click on File.
  • The File menu is located in the top left corner of the Excel ribbon.
  • It gives you access to a left-side navigation pane with many options like Info, New, Save, Save As, etc.
  • The second last choice from the bottom is Options. Click on that.
  • It’s the same Excel Options window that you have opened before in the previous method in this article.
  • Now, click on Customize Ribbon from the left-side navigation pane and follow the same steps as mentioned in Method 1.
  • Once you’re done selecting the Developer tab, click Ok to finish and save.

Final Words

Now that you’ve found out how to add Developer tab in Excel, it should be easier for you to activate the advanced functionalities option in Excel. Instead of wasting time on finding ways to activate the Developer tab, you can simply get started with your work and save time.

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