What Does TIL Stand For in Social and Online Platforms?
If you want to know what does TIL stand for, read this blog. Here, we’ll share the meaning of this acronym and the best ways to use it.
While scrolling through the social media news feed, you might come across a post that begins with the acronym TIL. If you’re unaware of its meaning, a question might arise in your mind: what does TIL stand for?
In case you’ve landed on this page to know its meaning, congratulations! Read on to know what does it mean and its history of origin.
What Does TIL Stand For in Social Media?
So, the full form of TIL is “today I learned.” People use this acronym when they share some information that they’ve learned recently.
Take this example for instance. You just learned something new and interesting recently and now, you think it’s time to share this with the whole world via social media.
In this case, it’s perfectly alright to use TIL before sharing that information. The use of TIL is most commonly seen on social platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook.
Keep in mind that one can use TIL while sharing information that might not be revolutionary, but you think that you better have learned it earlier.
The History of TIL
Now that you know what does TIL stand for, take a look at its history for a better understanding. Many of you may think that TIL originated from the 1990s’ chatroom culture, but this is wrong. The history of TIL is much more recent.
Though the exact date of origin is unavailable, people consider the mid-2000s as its time of origin. People started using this acronym on the social platforms and online forums of that time to share some cool facts that they’ve learned recently.
However, it was in 2008 that this online slang reached the peak of popularity when the subreddit called “r/TodayILearned” started functioning. Right now, this Reddit community boasts over 28 million subscribers where people post interesting facts they learned in recent times.
Surprisingly, even the mainstream media have started to use this acronym. If you watch National Geographic, you might be familiar with its daily video series called “Today I Learned.” Twitter is another social media where you’ll find its use to a great extent.
How to Use TIL in Social Media
Most internet abbreviations are used in lowercase. But for TIL, you should use it in uppercase or all CAPS.
Also remember, you need to place this internet abbreviation before stating the information. This means you need to start the post or sentence with TIL.
Using it this way will make the presentation perfect. Moreover, make sure to put a dash or colon between TIL and the rest of the sentence.
Wrapping Up
By reading this post, you’ve learned what does TIL stand for. Now, you have a clear idea about when to use this abbreviation and what was the origin of this abbreviation.
If you want to know more about online acronyms, have a look at what does NM mean.