WhichSize – Disk Space Clean Up Tool For Mac
As usage of any computer system progresses, the hard disk is bound to get cluttered with useless data, long-forgotten files and such of the like. It becomes increasingly difficult to identify and delete such files on one’s own through manual checking. Hence, WhichSize comes in handy.
This is a free utility which allows a user to find where most of their hard disk space has been consumed. It scans all your mounted drives and shows folders and sub-folders with the space that they consume.
The results are stored in memory, and hence allow faster navigation that the Mac’s built-in “compute all sizes” option. With the tree like view, you can easily identify large, useless files even residing deep within the file system, and delete them.
The application is as of yet under development still, but usable and stable. It requires Mac OS X 10.5 or later to work. WhichSize also comes with an automatic update feature for future releases.
article is very useful. I
have used my Mac for years and did not notice my hard disk is consuming by the
useless files. I followed it and cleaned my Mac. Thanks. And I tried to use
MacCleaning to do this as well.
article is very useful. I
have used my Mac for years and did not notice my hard disk is consuming by the
useless files. I followed it and cleaned my Mac. Thanks. And I tried to use
MacCleaning to do this as well.