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Top Reasons You Should Clear History on iPad Regularly

No matter which web browser you use on your iPad, it saves all your search queries and visited websites. This log is commonly known as browsing history. While browsing history is beneficial to find out the sites you visited on a particular day, people can invade your privacy by looking into it.

If you lend your iPad to someone, they might check the history and see which websites you were visiting. To avoid such situations, you should clear history on iPad. Many people think that this act of deletion is time-taking and useless, which is not. In this blog, we will inform you of the reasons to clear history on iPad.

clear history on iPad featured ImageTop Reasons to Clear History on iPad

Here are some reasons why you should not store your iPad history on different web browsers and delete them regularly.

1. Privacy Should Be Your First Priority

The most apparent reason to clear your search history is to safeguard your privacy. This is particularly true if you often share the iPad with others. Your search might include your address, phone number, or any other critical information.

If someone else gets hold of this info, you might fall victim to scams. Clearing history makes that data unavailable to others. If you regularly get rid of your history on iPad, you can remain worry-free even if you hand over your iPad to others.

clear history on iPad

2. Don’t Let Others Judge You

We all live in a world where we are under constant scrutiny by others. Whether it’s your family or friends, people are always judging others. While you can’t stop this, you can definitely take preventive measures so they don’t end up judging us for trivial matters.

You may need to search for a sensitive or taboo topic out of curiosity or as a part of the thesis you are writing. There might be a chance that a friend or family member sees this in your search history and start judging you straight away. You can avoid such situations if you regularly clear history on iPad.

3. Say No to Breadcrumbs

An iPad browsing history could leave a trail of breadcrumbs for the hackers. This could be detrimental to your online safety as it would supply them with what they need to attack your device. If the hacker already has one password of yours, the concern becomes greater.

From your browsing history, hackers learn about your frequently visited websites and try accessing those websites with the password they have. If you use one password on multiple websites, this could have fatal consequences.

Final Words

This blog stated the top reasons to clear history of iPad. Now that you are aware of these, there should be no doubt about it. Moreover, there is another blog on how to clear history on iPad.

As iPad users, you might also want to check out why is my iPad not charging.

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