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How to Remove Yahoo Search from Chrome

The Yahoo search engine is well-loved worldwide and it’s been around for years. However, if you’re using Google and unexpectedly wind up in Yahoo Search, you have a problem. You’re dealing with a browser hijacker, a type of malware that is redirecting you to Yahoo Search without your instruction. 

We’ll cover why browser hijackers exist and how to get rid of them, such as through an antivirus, removing unwanted extensions, resetting your browser, and uninstalling suspicious programs and files. We’ll even include all the exact steps to take so you know how to remove Yahoo Search from Chrome.   

Remove Yahoo Redirect from Chrome

Why is Google Chrome using Yahoo Search?

If you’re asking yourself, “Why does my search engine keep changing to Yahoo?” The answer is, it’s not supposed to. Google Chrome’s default search engine is, unsurprisingly, Google. Unless you specifically changed the default yourself, you’ve picked up a browser hijacker, which is changing your browser settings and sending you to Yahoo against your will. 

What is a Browser Hijacker?

A browser hijacker is a type of malware that changes your browser settings without you being aware. These can also lead to changes in your homepage and URLs in your tabs. So why do all this? 

Hijackers can be pretty insidious. They can gather details about your habits so they can send manipulative ads personalized for you, or even send you to questionable sites so they can try to get you to click on pay-per-click ads or unsafe links and downloads. Sometimes certain hijackers can even take over your entire system and gain access to personal data that can lead to identity theft. Luckily, that is rare, but it’s still important to learn how to remove Yahoo Search from Chrome so you can keep your data safe.

If you’re wondering where you picked up a browser hijacker, here are some possibilities:

  • You downloaded an infected email attachment
  • You accidentally picked up some spyware, adware, etc.
  • A questionable software package you installed snuck it in
  • A browser extension you added was infected
  • You visited an unsafe site
  • Downloading infected files

It’s important to only install or download things from sources you absolutely trust. Be especially aware of apps or software that come in packages as it’s harder to tell exactly what you’re letting in when there are multiple components. Lastly, always have a good antivirus that can scan for malware. 

How to Remove Yahoo Search from Chrome

For our purposes, the following tactics will be for Chrome. That doesn’t mean other browsers and systems won’t experience this type of hijacker. If you are using something like Firefox or Safari you can take similar actions, though the steps will be a little different, so do your research. Here are some methods on how to remove Yahoo Search from Chrome:

Use an Antivirus

This is always a good first defense against malware and viruses. If you don’t have an antivirus already, it’s easy to buy one and download it. Just be sure to follow the specific instructions of whatever product you have and be sure to use one of the more reputable ones.

Eliminate Suspicious Extensions

A common source of hijackers is from suspect web extensions you installed. It’s best to remove anything nefarious looking. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. On the top right of the screen, click the three vertical dots
  3. Depending on your Chrome version, you can either go to More Tools and then Extensions, or you might simply have Extensions in the menu itself
    Chrome extensions menu
  4. From there, you can get rid of any extensions that shouldn’t be there via the Remove button

Restore Your Browser Settings to Default

Because hijackers often change your browser settings, restoring them to default is a no-brainer. Keep in mind, this will disable all your current extensions but you can re-enable them later. It’s quite handy because it will automatically delete cookies and other temporary data that could be causing problems too. Here’s what to do: 

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Click the three vertical dots on the top right of the screen
  3. Go to Settings
    Chrome settings
  4. Depending on your Chrome version, you can either go to Advanced and then Reset Settings, or you may just see the Reset settings already
  5. Click on Reset settings
  6. Click Restore settings to their original defaults
    Chrome reset settings menu
  7. A window will appear, select Reset settings
    Chrome reset settings

Change your Default Search Engine & Delete Yahoo

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Click the three vertical dots on the top right of your screen
  3. Go to Settings
  4. On the left side, select Search engine
  5. Choose your preference in the Search engine used in the address bar field
    Chrome search engine settings
  6. Click Manage search engines
  7. Find Yahoo and click the three vertical dots
  8. Choose delete/remove from list, depending on your Chrome version
    Chrome search engine settings

Delete Temporary Files

The “temp” folder can be a place for malware to hide since it’s often forgotten. It’s normally a place for temporary files left behind by programs and apps, but malware can be lurking too. It’s good practice to delete these files anyway as they free up space on your system. Here’s how to access the RUN window and your temp files: 

For Windows: 

  1. Hold the Windows and the R keys at the same time to access the RUN window
  2. In the window’s field, type %temp% then hit ok
    Windows temp folder
  3. The temp folder will now appear
  4. You can select and delete the files here
  5. Go to your Recycle Bin
  6. Right click and choose Empty Recycle Bin
    Windows recycle bin

For Mac:

  1. Go to Finder (in the dock)
    Mac Finder
  2. Hit Shift + Cmd + G on your keyboard to access the Go to the folder
  3. Type ~/Library/Caches/
  4. Select Go
  5. Drag any unneeded files to your Trash folder
    Mac Trash folder
  6. Empty the Trash

Uninstall Suspicious Programs/Apps

It’s important to only install apps and programs from trusted, official sources. If you think an iffy installation was the culprit, it’s time to get rid of it. Here’s how: 


  1. In the search field on the lower left of the screen, type Control Panel
  2. In the pop-up window, click on Control Panel
  3. In the Control Panel Items window, choose Programs and Features
    Control panel features
  4. From there you can pick whatever program you want to uninstall
    Windows uninstall menu


  1. Go to your Finder on the bottom left of your screen
  2. Select Applications from the menu on the left of the screen
    Mac applications
  3. Choose the app you want deleted
  4. Drag it to the Trash
  5. Empty the Trash to fully delete it

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