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How To Find The IP Address Of The Sender In Windows Live Mail, Gmail Or Yahoo! Mail

Whenever you receive an email, you receive more than just the message. The email comes with headers that carry important information that can tell where the email was sent from and possibly who sent it. For that, you would need to find the IP address of the sender and this is how you do it.


Windows Live Mail

Log into your Windows Live Mail account with your username and password,Open the inbox.  To display the headers, right click on the email message in the Inbox, and select View Source.

view source

This will open up a new page with a detailed header content.


Now look for Received: from followed by IP address within square brackets


If you have multiple Received: from headers, eliminate the ones that have proxy.anyknownserver.com.



Log into your Gmail account with your username and password, Open up the mail. To display the email headers, Click on the Reply drop down box and select Show Original.

 show original

Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ].

show original

If you find more than one Received: from patterns, select the last one.


Yahoo Mail

Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password, Click on Inbox or whichever folder you have stored your mail, Open the mail. If you do not see the headers above the mail message, your headers are not displayed. To display the headers, click on the drop down Standard Header box and select Full Header.


Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ]. If there are many instances of Received: from with the IP address, select the IP address in the last pattern. If there are no instances of Received: from with the IP address, select the first IP address in X-Originating-IP.

full header

I hope this post will help you finding the IP address of the sender, do let us know what you think by leaving a comment.


  1. hello i was wonderif you could help me with this if we received an email from @gmail.com to @hotmail.com and weโ€™re unable to find the IP address received from that gmail address, getting only google.com IP addressโ€ฆ

    any suggestions on finding the IP sent from gmail to hotmail(windows live) platform if you could help that be great thank you

  2. It’s important to understand, in all headers, the originating IP may be and IP address for the ISP who sent it. This is very common with web based email, when the sender is using a webpage to send the email, not an application.

  3. Hello, I tried this and receive the following message

    Unable to download GetMessageSource.aspx from Sn133w.snt133.mail.live.com
    Unable to open this internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.

    Can you please advise. I have just had someone scam me out of the only ยฃ300 I have and had saved up for ages to buy a ring online. I transfered the money via Paypal thinking it was totally safe and now the person hasnt sent the ring and does not reply to my emails, I am so devistated. I know the name used and location says Essex but thats all. I want to find them and ask for my money bac. Please HELP

  4. When I want to show I sender Email IDs IP Address in windowsLive Account then I receive a msgbax “this page unable to open” that is why I can’t show sender IP Addrsss
    Please help me. “utsab_chakraborty@live.com” or “utsabbagnan@gmail.com”.

  5. The IP number shown on the gmail original message is NOT the sender IP at all. It is the Gmail service IP.But thank you for the livemail tip. It is correct. I did not check Yahoo though.

  6. The IP number shown on the gmail original message is NOT the sender IP at all. It is the Gmail service IP.But thank you for the livemail tip. It is correct. I did not check Yahoo though.

  7. I tried in Hotmail but not working when I view re show me no ip at all ๐Ÿ™ I tried in all emails on hotmail but no luck any advice , it show me only view page source and when I opened no Ip

    please help

  8. Hello,
    Thanx for the info,
    I have an issue..if some way u can solve it it will do me worlds of gud.
    Someone has hacked my gmail id and sent a really bad email to my friend. And I am facing the consequences of it. Is there anyway you can track the Ip from my sent box.
    Thank u,

  9. thanks for replaying.

    some one i know had there yahoo account stolen.
    what can you do???????

    they send out emails to others with stolen account.

    any way to track? on who it is?
    or get back email account?

    they chaged password and security question!

    • Hi there, similarly to “Naufz” query… Do you know if you can find an IP address from a sent box?Thanks.

  10. what can you do it ip you get? how can you trace to some thing like nasty email? help!

  11. are you supposed to look for the Originating IP address to find out who sent you the e-mail? And is this legal? Sounds a abit dodgy

    • The IP address is clearly given in the source and yes it is totally legal. What could be illegal here?

  12. if we received an email from @gmail.com to @hotmail.com and we’re unable to find the IP address received from that gmail address, getting only google.com IP address…

    any suggestions on finding the IP sent from gmail to hotmail(windows live) platform

  13. I’m having trouble with this.

    I can open the source in both Windows Live Mail and Gmail, but it only shows Hotmail/Gmail’s IP addresses, not the originating IP. The emails were sent from Gmail/Hotmail – is this why the addresses aren’t shown?

    I’d appreciate it if you could let me know.


    • The originating IP must be there. Look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ].

      If you find more than one Received: from patterns, the last one is the orginating IP.

      Let me know if you are still having trouble finding it.

  14. To view the resources of a message in Windows Live; such as:
    X-Message-Delivery, X-Message-Status, X-SID-PRA…. IP of the sender ….etc.

    Before you open the message, right-click on the desired message and (View Message Source).

    And that’s it….

  15. But how can you find the source address of an email FROM Windows Live, GMail or Yahoo?

    Hotmail doesn’t seem to mask it, Gmail does, not sure about Yahoo.

    • You just need to follow the instructions. No need to see the screenshots. The screenshots just give the general idea as to how to do it. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Btw some items in the screenshot has been made blurred out because it has personal email address there.