Compose Mail To Gmail Contacts From OmniBar (Address Bar) In Chrome
How many emails do you write every day? Enough to need to get to Compose mail really fast? For Chrome users with Gmail accounts, opening the compose email window can be a matter of a few simple keystrokes in the Omnibar. OmniMail for GMail is a Chrome extension that lets you enter your Gmail contacts in the OmniBar and opens the Compose Mail window in a new tab with the To field prefilled with the contact you entered.
Once installed, all you need to do is type Mail in the OmniBar and press either the Tab button or the Space bar to access the extension. Start typing the email address of the person you want to send mail to. if you only enter a contact name, a list of corresponding email addresses appears in the dropdown. You can enter multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma (,). When the Compose Mail page opens, all email addresses that you entered will have been added to the ‘To’ field.
The first time you use it, Gmail will alert you that the extension is requesting access to your contacts. The extension cannot access your password and other information and permission can be revoked at any time. This extension can be extremely useful if your routine work involves sending a lot of emails or if you have contacts that you email several times a day.
Install OmniMail for GMail For Chrome
Thanx author, i will wait for the future to unleash more.
We don’t review paid apps or extensions just now, but we might in future. Keep reading.
I like the way you guys blog and catchup on the new stuff. The chrome extensions have really hit the web market with a boom.
Author can you please tell me that do you guys write on paid extensions as well because i would really like to read more on the paid stuff? And thank you again for sharing the new stuff even if its free…