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How to tame a horse in Minecraft

Riding a horse in Minecraft offers you some advantage over working through the game on foot. Your player can jump as high as one block at maximum, without a portion. Conversely, a horse can take you as high as five blocks of height. Aside from that, you can also use horses to climb hills in Minecraft. 

But, unlike in many adventure games, you can’t just ride a Minecraft horse into the sunset without taming them. Taming the horse helps you gain the horse’s trust. Otherwise, it will buck you off. Keep reading to learn how to tame a horse in Minecraft.


Wait! Before you tame the horse

You need a saddle to ride a horse in Minecraft. So, before you tame the horse, be sure to get one. You cannot craft a saddle in Minecraft, unfortunately. But you can find one in chests around the world.

Horse Armor makes for a great alternative. Also, you cannot craft horse armors- you have to find them. If you have a saddle or Horse Armor, go ahead and tame a horse. Here is how:

Follow these steps to tame a horse in Minecraft.

1. Unequip your weapon

Minecraft horses are wild beasts, but they are docile. You don’t want to approach one with a weapon. It will buck you off, or you can even injure the horse unconsciously. 

2. Make a move

Approach the horse you wish to tame and mount it by right-clicking on it. 

3. Control the horse’s temper

Taming a Minecraft horse depends on its temper. It will buck you off on your first attempt to mount it. Don’t stop. You have to mount the horse repeatedly to tame it. Watch the temper threshold as you attempt to tame the horse. The threshold reads numbers between 0-and 99 (the higher, the better). When the horse’s temper exceeds this threshold, then it is tamed. 

Pro-tip: Feeding the horse apples will increase the temper faster. Breaking oak leaf blocks reveals apples on the map. Breaking oak leaf blocks does not necessitate the use of any equipment. You can also breed two domesticated horses nearby until hearts emerge by feeding them golden apples. 

When the heart icon appears above the horse, it means it is tamed.

4. Equip your saddle

Since you have earned the horse’s strength, equip a saddle or horse armor from your inventory and let the journey begin. Get aboard the Horse or open your inventory menu by pointing towards the Horse. This will bring up your inventory as well as the menu for the Horse.

Next steps

Taming a horse allows you to get around the map comfortably in Minecraft. If you follow the technique above, you will always be able to tame any horse you want. You can also learn more about how to breed a horse in Minecraft here.

However, be careful not to ride the horse in water; otherwise, you’d be thrown off the horse before the horse drowns. As a result, you have to find another horse and go over the taming process. This will waste your time and even distract you from the game’s primary objective.

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