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How to Parry in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla features the ability to parry opponents you encounter on the map. Parrying is a skill that allows you to strike your opponent after a successful block, and it is done by pressing l1 (LB in Xbox) when the enemy attacks then R3 to finish off after the stun. 

But if you seriously want to master how to parry in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, or the next Assassin’s Creed game in the making, you’ll need to know more just the button to press..

In this guide, we will go over everything there is to know about parrying in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, including the trick to dodging that many players seem to be missing.assassins creed new game rift

Parrying in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is very technical

Ubisoft is one of those gaming companies that overcomplicate combat mechanics in a good way. This is why many players struggle to master skills like parrying.

Parrying wrongly in AC Valhalla will cause you to lose health and hard-earned XP. It can get so frustrating that you wonder what exactly you are doing wrongly. 

Another tricky fact about parrying in AC Valhalla is that the technique tends to be more difficult in new DLC. For instance, if you got the Wrath of the Druids when released, prepare to test your parrying skills against new bosses and enemies. 

But don’t worry, read and master the following parrying tips and tricks to win games. 

Parrying is both offensive and defensive.

When an enemy swings its weapon at you, parrying helps you block the attack and strike back at once. This strike is typically a heavy attack from a weapon or shield in Eivor’s left hand, significantly reducing the enemy’s health. 

You cannot dodge all attacks.

When attempting to parry, bear in mind the sorts of assaults directed at you while in a fight. Enemies will assault you with gold, red, and no color attacks, but you cannot parry all of them. A red attack will cause you damage even if you parry. 

Bosses are less predictable in combat than the regular henchmen. Even the easiest boss can send you back to the last checkpoint if you cannot master how to beat them. So do not rely too much on parrying here; you should dodge instead. 

A perfect parry is perfect timing.

You can’t be too early or too late with parrying. You should respond the moment an enemy swings at you. 

This can be hard if you’re a beginner or carry a heavy weapon. So take some time to practice your timing against weaker enemies and the best ways to use your favorite weapon. 

Learn how your enemy attacks

You’re a Viking. Yes, you’re ferocious. But, above all, you’re smart. You don’t lunge into an attack, except you have mastered an enemy’s techniques. 

One way to learn fast is to dodge often. Dodging helps you detect an enemy’s direction of attack, speed, and body movement. That way, you can cut through them like a hot knife through butter.

Master your stamina

You cannot complete a successful parry on low stamina. Parrying on low energy is a noob mistake. It will leave you exposed to critical hits from your enemy.

Remember, Ubisoft is a master of details in gaming. Like in real life, you can hardly land a blow if you are weak. So be wary of Eivor’s stamina when you parry. 

Parrying is a contact sport. The closer, the better.

Parrying is useless if you are not close enough to strike your enemy. In fact, the game is programmed to execute a parry within a specific range. 

This is important to remember, especially while fighting Leofrith, because it makes it hard to block his blows until you are practically on top of him in combat.

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