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How to Make a Melon Farm in Minecraft

Some fruits are difficult to come across in Minecraft, compelling players to ransack every nook and cranny of the open world to lay their hands on it eventually. However, fruits like melon give me the much-needed breather to channel my energy into other pressing matters in the vast open world. 

They are relatively easy to find in Minecraft, but it’s also possible to plant them as they stem on breaking drops of 0-3 melon seeds. And the good news is that these seeds can be found in woodland mansions, mineshafts, dungeons, savanna, and desert biome villages.

Speaking of farming, you can build an automatic melon farm and harness the proceeds for breeding animals, among other things. Read on below to find out how.


How to Plant Melons in Minecraft

For starters, it’s worth pointing out that melons require two blocks to grow, contrasting how crops like potatoes and wheat grow. One of the blocks is required for the melon’s stem and the other for the melon itself, which you can choose to harvest later.

To grow melons in Minecraft, you’ll need to use a hoe on a dirt block, transforming it into farmland. You can then start planting melon seeds on the farmland.

Meanwhile, if you want to transform the melon farmland into an automatic one, you’ll need the following items:

  1. 1 Minecraft with Hopper
  2. 1 Glowstone
  3. 40 Pistons
  4. 56 Rail 
  5. 40 Observer
  6. 40 Melon Seeds
  7. 40 Redstone Dust
  8. 34 Powered Rial
  9. 1 Hoe
  10. 1 Slab
  11. 128 Temporary Blocks
  12. 1 Water
  13. 2 Chests
  14. 2 Hoppers

You’ll need to acquire all the highlighted items to build an automatic melon farm of your own. The following section will guide you in that regard.

Building an Automatic Melon Farm in Minecraft

Building an automatic melon farm is no walk in the park, but you should be up and running in no time with the design blueprint here. The whole process involves five steps, which are:

  • Collection system building
  • Storage system construction
  • Farmland preparation
  • Farmland making
  • Addition of Observers and Pistons

Starting with the collection system, you’ll need to dig a 10×9, two-blocks-deep hole and then place your rails and powered rails in a similar pattern. After this, the next thing to do is find the blocks under which you placed your powered rails and put a Redstone torch under them.

When it comes to your storage system, you can begin by digging a 2×2, one-block-deep hole, but ensure half part of the hole is under the rails. On any part of the hole that’s not under the rails, place the double chest on there. Next, Look closely into the rails going into the chest and put the two hoppers under them.

To prepare your farmland, set up a dirt-1-block layer above the railway on which you intend to grow your melon seeds, and then water the middle block.

Your farm will be ready for use once you’ve used your hoe to make a checkerboard pattern. And all that’ll be left to do is place the seeds in the farmland.

Once every other thing is finally set up, you can begin placing observers and pistons. Ensure the observers face the melon stems and the pistons face downwards on the empty dirt blocks.

Final Notes

That’s all about building a melon farm in Minecraft. I do hope you find this guide helpful. If you need further assistance while building your Melon farm, you can use automatic farm designs by Shulkercraft on YouTube.

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