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How to Make a Fishing Rod in Minecraft

Fishing is an excellent way for players to obtain food in Minecraft as well as a variety of other fun items. Through fishing, players can obtain enchanted books, nautilus shells, and other amazing items in Minecraft. There’s no reason not to fish in any Minecraft world, given how powerful the fishing game mechanics are. You can collect so many things, and an enchanted fishing rod increases your chances of catching some incredible items!

how to build a fishing rod in minecraft

The fishing rod is supported in the following versions of Minecraft:

In order to create a fishing rod in Minecraft, you will require the following items:

  • Crafting table
  • 3 sticks
  • 2 strings

How to Create a Fishing Rod

Making a fishing rod is simple. Start by converting any newly acquired logs into wooden planks. Simply place the collected logs into one of the slots on the survival inventory crafting table to make wooden planks.

After converting the logs into wooden planks, you can proceed to build a crafting table. To create a crafting table, use four wooden planks from the survival crafting menu to fill each of the square slots once. Open your crafting table to reveal the 3×3 crafting grid.

You must first make sticks in order to get to the fishing rod part of it. To make your sticks, you can use the survival inventory crafting table or the crafting table you just created.

Place two blocks of wooden planks above each other on either the left or right side of the square to make sticks.

You must now go get your string. Spiders can be killed to obtain string. You’re ready to make your fishing rod once you have two pieces of string.

Place your sticks diagonally across the crafting table after opening the crafting table GUI. Place your two strings beneath the topmost stick. Your fishing rod is now ready!

To use a fishing rod, right-click when you’re near a body of water and then throw it in. You must now wait until you see flecks of water rush to your line and the hook bobs underwater. Right-clicking retracts the fishing rod, and if you timed it correctly, you should be able to pull in an item. Without enchantments, fishing rods have a durability of 64, which means they can be used for 64 turns before breaking.

Parting Note

Well done on that fishing rod!

You can now go fishing in your Minecraft world to your heart’s content. Fishing is a great way to get some overpowered enchanted books in Minecraft, as well as a great source of food. Fishing used to be the method used by the most experienced players to enchant all of their belongings by using AFK fishing farms, but those have since been removed from the game. Regardless, fishing remains to be one of the most beneficial activities you can undertake in the game of Minecraft.

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