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How Long Do Elixirs Last in BG3?

If you’ve googled, “How long do elixirs last BG3,” you’ll find your answer pretty fast. A long time. Specifically, until you need to take a long rest. That means you can get pretty far, adventure-wise, so you get a lot of use out of these consumables. Let’s cover what a long rest is, when you need to take one, and all the very best elixirs you should keep on hand in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3: How long do elixirs last?

Baldur’s Gate 3 characters

Comparable to potions, the game’s elixirs can be consumed as a bonus action and provide a variety of helpful benefits, depending on the one you’re using. With so many types and helpful effects, they can get you out of a jam when you need it most. If you’re wondering “How long do elixirs last in BG3,” elixirs will stay in place until one of the following occurs: 

  1. You take a long rest. You usually do this at a camp so you can restore all spell slots, hit points, and resources, or use particular item actions or power dialogue options.
  2. You drink a different elixir. The effects of the new elixir cancel out the old one.
  3. Certain actions, such as praying in the Gauntlet of Shar.
  4. You’re using a special elixir with temporary effects, such as the elixir of Universal Resistance.

Other than these circumstances, your elixir will last throughout your gameplay, including short rests, exploration, and battle. They go a long way, which is nice because they are single-use items. Once that puppy runs out, you’ll have to replace it. Now you know the answer to, “BG3, how long do elixirs last?” But what about the best elixirs and where to find them? 

Best Elixirs in Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 elixir

Be sure to check your elixir’s effects by looking in their inventory description. They can be obtained by: 

  • Purchasing from vendors
  • In loot containers
  • Loot from boss fights
  • Through crafting
  • Giving Araj Oblodra your blood to make you a powerful, rare potion. While these are termed “blood potions,” they’re actually elixirs. What type you get depends on the race you’re playing

Top 10 picks for BG3 Elixirs 

 Elixir of Barkskin: This is a great choice for spell casters, as they can’t cast if they’re wearing armor. Barkskin ups their AC to 16 without the need to waste spell slots for defensive tactics.  

Elixir of Hill Giant Strength: Raises your strength to 21. Can’t go wrong with that. 

Elixir of Bloodlust: Once per turn, you get an added action and 5 temporary hit points when you kill an enemy.

Elixir of Battlemage’s Power: You get 3 stacks of Arcane Acuity, which means you get +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DCs.

Elixir of Viciousness: Critical hit rolls are reduced by one, making it easier to land crits.

Elixir of the Colossus: Temporarily makes you enlarged, giving you an additional 1d4 damage with successful attacks. Also gives you advantages of the increased size.

Elixir of Vigilance: You cannot be surprised and you get a +5 bonus to initiative.

Elixir of Arcane Cultivation: You get an additional spell slot. There are various Greater versions of this elixir, giving you more powerful spell levels for your slot.

Elixir of Heroism: You get 10 temporary hit points and the Bless condition where you gain a 1d4 bonus to saving throws and attack rolls. 

Elixir of Universal Resistance: This very rare elixir acts differently from others. It only lasts for 10 rounds but it doesn’t stop the effects of a previous elixir, it stacks instead. Universal resistance means all damage types are resisted for 10 rounds, so all damage is halved. It’s a chonky, impressive asset best pulled out for important fights.

Now that your, “How long do elixirs last BG3,” question is answered, start gathering ones that fit your class and character best. No matter how you’ve customized your character, there will be something for everyone.