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Female Gamers are Finally Getting Their Due

The esports and gaming industry has seen its fair share of men. Although the majority of players are still male, female gamers are finally making a dent in the space that has generally kept them out of the limelight.

What’s keeping women away? Sexism, misogyny, and the threat of violence are three factors that would keep anyone out. If every time you went online someone spewed vitriol about your playing style, your looks, and basically anything you do, you’d stay off the internet too.

But, there is good news on the horizon. Women may only make up less than half of the gaming population, yet advertisers are seeing them as valuable. Once the advertising industry takes an interest, it’s only a matter of time before the global takeover begins.

female gamer

Gaming the Patriarchy

Esports organizations are shifting their focus to women-led and women-only teams to give female gaming experts a chance to shine. Popular esports organization, Misfits, launched its first all-female/trans team. Named Misfits Black, this team will help pave the way for other women and those who identify as such to do what they do best: win. 

These teams also offer a safe space for women and a chance to bond with their counterparts and share experiences they’ve had within the industry. And, of course, these teams are expected to pick up interest from top advertisers and gain sponsorships.

An End to Pinkwashing?

One of the issues that women in any industry face is pinkwashing. Think of the products we use daily. Blue razors are sold to men, while women get pink ones. The blades are the same. With esports, the products seem to be universal. A chair is a chair is a chair. You’re sitting for hours, you want comfort. You don’t care if the chair is pink or blue or purple. You want the best mouse for gaming, not the best mouse for the patriarchal society we live in. 

We can’t guarantee that advertisers in other industries will stop marketing pink items to women but we can hope that the companies who make gaming accessories stop making niche items that are for big and tall men only. Women come in different shapes and sizes too.

Resources for Female Gamers

For women who want to get started in gaming, we’ve put together some resources to help you navigate the industry.

  • Women in Games: An organization dedicated to fighting harassment in the gaming industry and creating spaces for women to play.
  • Queer Women of Esports: Providing advocacy for queer gamers, this org is challenging gender norms to make gaming more inclusive.
  • VPNs for gaming: Your actual location may affect your access to certain games unless you use a VPN. 


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