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Does Dying Light 2 Have Character Creation?

It has only been a couple of months since the release of Dying Light 2 and fans of the game have been asking the developers of Techland about some elements of the game’s mechanics, one of which is character creation.

“Does Dying Light 2 have character creation?”

This question was asked on one of Techland’s official social media accounts and they responded with “no comment”, which has led to even more speculation about this topic.

With that in mind, in this article, we will be exploring the possibility of Dying Light 2 having character creation, why it would be beneficial, and whether or not fans will get what they want.

Does Dying Light 2 Have Character Creation?

Before we begin to answer the question “does Dying Light 2 have character creation?”, we must first understand what characteristics the player’s avatar in the game has.

In this game, you play as an undercover agent who is sent to infiltrate the quarantined city of Harran. As part of your cover, you are given a fabricated identity known as an alias.

So far this makes it seem that there will be no character creation in Dying Light 2 and many fans were fine with this decision.

However, we did get another piece of information about the protagonist of this game and it came from a short gameplay demo that was shown at E3 2018.    

During this demo, the game’s protagonist is seen running errands for an elderly person in order to obtain medicine. This is not something that someone with a fabricated identity would do and it may be why Techland has kept quiet about character creation ever since.

The Difference Between Character Creation and Character Customization

When it comes to game characters, there is a difference between character creation and character customization.

With character creation, you are given the ability to make changes to your protagonist’s facial features, physical build, and personality traits.

On the other hand, with character customization, you can change certain aspects of your avatar but not all of them. For instance, you may be able to change your avatar’s clothing and color scheme but not their facial features.

Techland has shown us that the protagonist of Dying Light 2 can express emotions and even feel offended by some remarks made by NPCs. With that in mind, it seems like character customization will be present but character creation won’t be.

Now that we have established that Dying Light 2 will not allow players to create new characters, fans of the game are wondering why Techland has not implemented character customization.

With this type of system, players would be able to change the appearance of their protagonist at any time using preset options. This is different from having actual creation tools as becoming your character means that you can’t change their appearance.

Character Customization Would Benefit Dying Light 2

In the first Dying Light, players were able to create a unique character from scratch by using an editor of sorts. There was plenty of variety with how people could make their characters look and having this system was one of the best parts of the game.

This is why fans are asking for this feature to return in Dying Light 2 because it would be a great way of fleshing out the protagonist without affecting the overall lore of the game.

However, many people believe that character creation will not be added to the game because it would cause problems with Dying Light 2’s story.

If players could create their own character at the very beginning of the game, then there would be an information gap between the protagonist and other NPCs.

This would not make sense because Dying Light 2 takes place after a zombie outbreak that has led to different circumstances than those in the original Dying Light.

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