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Can You Sell Turnips on Other Islands in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

Sunday is fast approaching, and it’s time to make some quick bucks as the clock ticks! If you’ve gotten some turnips from Daisy Mae, the NPC who wanders around your island with some turnips tied to her head, you should know by now that you’ve only got between now and Sunday to sell off all those turnips you’ve acquired.

Yes, your acquisitions rot and expire every Sunday when Daisy graces your island yet again. It all works like a real-life stock market, amounting to losses and profits depending on how well you play your cards. 

While you prepare to sell your acquired turnips, you may begin to get curious with several thoughts demanding definite answers. Among the questions that may run through your mind are “Can you sell turnips on your Island?” and “Can you sell turnips on other islands?”

Don’t sweat it. This guide answers all possible queries and teaches you how to sell turnips in Animal Crossing on your island and other islands. It also gives hints on how to maximize your profits.

Got a few minutes? Read on below to find out.

How to sell Turnips on Your Island


You can only start selling your turnips the following day (Monday), as the vendors who will buy them from you don’t work on Sundays. These are Tommy and Timmy from the Nook’s Cranny. The brothers change their prices twice daily, so you might want to keep an eye on their offers to know when to sell at an optimal profit.

Any price 50-200 Bells more than you paid for the turnips is pretty decent, but there are times when the prices they’re buying for could go as high as 500-900 Bells. This could be at midnight or noon after they update their prices.

You might also want to brace up for some inevitable losses, just as in the real-life stock market. Tommy and Timmy might offer you nothing higher than 50 bells for each turnip, in which case you’ll have to sell at a loss, especially if Sunday is fast approaching.

Be that as it may, turning them in at a loss is better than losing them for nothing after they rot away. The prices are randomized, so you never know when there will be a spike, one that could potentially help you make back all your money.

How to Sell Turnips on a Friend’s Island


The idea is always to buy turnips at the cheapest rates and sell at the highest rates possible. This spawns players to seek other means of selling their turnips, and what better place to do that than a friend’s island?

If there’s a spike in how much your friend’s Nooks Cranny buys turnips, it’s only wise to sell yours thereon. But, first, you’ll need to get an invite via a Dodo Code to be able to visit their island.

Once you have the Dodo Code, you can head to your island’s airport and speak to Orville. Choose the option to visit an island and select the option to do so via a Dodo code. You can sell your turnips at your friend’s island’s Nook’s Cranny once you touch down there.


Final Notes

And that’s how to sell turnips in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If you also notice a spike in your Nook’s Cranny prices, do well to inform your friends and invite them over through a Dodo Code. You never know when theirs will go all up as well. Rub each other’s backs.

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