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Animal Crossing: How to Get Ladder. Everything You Need to Know

If you’re new to Animal Crossing: New Horizon, climbing cliffs is one of the first challenges you will encounter. Unlike Minecraft, where your character can typically scale heights without needing unique gadgets, climbing or getting around cliffs in Animal Crossing can only be done with a ladder. 

Now, the ladder is a simple tool vital to your gaming experience in Animal Crossing. Without it, you cannot get any of those highly potent flowers or rich loot specially positioned on top of the mountains. 

But as simple as it might be, getting it can be quite uneasy. For one, you must wait several days into the game before the recipe for crafting one unlocks. And when it does, you want to know precisely the procedure to get a ladder in Animal Crossing and get it right the first time. 

This short guide explains how to get the required recipe, craft ladders, and set the ladder permanently.


Animal Crossing: How to get ladder- Getting The Recipe

As in real life where constructing any structure requires a set of recipes, so is Animal crossing. To get recipes for your ladder, you must first pay a visit to Tom Nook, who you might already know is the leader and developer of the island.

When you meet Toom Nook, you will be given a set of tasks to complete.

  • Settling your tent payment
  • Building your home
  • Constructing Tom Nook’s Cranny 
  • Set up a bridge connecting you with the villager’s homes that need furnishing

Now, here is the trick:

Completing one of these tasks requires flowers. And not just any type of flowers but those you can only pluck at the top of the Island’s mountains and cliffs. There is no way to scale these cliffs without a ladder. So, Tom Nook will naturally give you the recipe to craft a ladder. 

So now that you have the right items to craft a ladder, you’ll learn how to craft a ladder.

Animal Crossing; How to get ladder- Purchase the setup kit

While unlocking the ladder recipe ensures that you have the right skill or gaming XP to craft a ladder, it is not the only requirement. Ladders are made of wood and other items you must purchase. You should buy the setup kit below:

This kit costs 2000 bells and allows you to craft a common wooden ladder set-up kit you need to get around; nothing epic or legendary. Fortunately, you just have to buy it once and use it unlimitedly because it will not break.

Animal Crossing; How to get ladder- Using the setup kit

After purchasing your ladder kit, you want to use it right away. Follow these steps to use the kit:

  • Travel to the desired location where you wish to climb up or down a cliff
  • Toggle open your inventory
  • Select the ladder kit in your inventory
  • You will see the option to “Set Next to Cliff”; click it to place the ladder down

Now, you will see that a ladder has been placed down next to the cliff. You will realize that the ladder has been set up permanently. This means you do not have to pull out your ladder whenever you want to get around cliffs. Similarly, your visitors can also cross into your village without carrying their ladder or needing an incline.

Final thoughts

Learning how to get a ladder in Animal crossing builds up your game XP and helps you master crafting, completing Nook’s tasks, and getting around the game comfortably.

Aside from these benefits, you’d also realize that getting a ladder is cheaper than building inclines in Animal Crossing. While they are more good-looking, inclines cost more; building a regular stone incline requires 168,000 and performs the same function as the ladder.

So, getting a ladder is not only effective, it is also cheaper. Happy crafting.

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