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How to get PlexAmp working on Chrome OS

PlexAmp is a high-quality music streaming application for Plex Media Server. If you have a Plex Media server set up at home, and you’re looking to listen to your music collection via PlexAmp on Chrome OS, we have the guide for you. Here’s how you can get PlexAmp up and running on Chrome OS.

Adt Hero image for PlexAmp.

How to enable Linux on Chrome OS

If you’re new to Chrome OS and are eager to run Linux apps, you’ll be happy to learn that this capability is possible, song long as your device supports virtualization. To enable Linux app support on your Chromebook, begin by clicking on the “clock” icon in the Chrome OS dashboard. Following that, select the “gear” icon to dive into the settings.

Within these settings, search for the “Advanced” section. Click the down arrow next to it to unveil a suite of advanced settings, among which you’ll find the “Developers” options.

Navigate to the “Developers” section to locate the “Linux development environment” and select it. In the “Linux development environment” area, hit the “Turn on” button. This is critical as it initiates the setup of the Linux LXC container, an essential component for running Linux apps on your Chromebook.

Once you’ve selected the “Turn on” button, Chrome OS will begin setting up Linux support on your device. Continue by accessing the Chrome OS app menu and launching the “Terminal.” Locate and open it. With the Terminal active, find “Penguin” and click on it to gain entry to the command-line interface of the Linux container.

Now that you’ve loaded up the Terminal, a series of commands await your input. These commands are integral to updating the Linux container, ensuring it is primed for use. Kick things off with the apt update command to scout for updates.

sudo apt update

Once the apt update command has finished, continue with the upgrade command. This stage involves installing any available updates for your packages. This upgrade procedure may extend for a duration, so patience is advised.

sudo apt upgrade -y

With the Linux container in its most updated state, your Chromebook is now primed for the installation of nifty Linux apps, such as PlexAmp.

How to Install PlexAmp on Chrome OS

PlexAmp displaying the now-playing window several times.

The best way to install PlexAmp on Chrome OS is via the Flathub app store as a Flatpak. The installation process requires setting up the Flatpak runtime first. Open the Chrome OS Terminal app and execute the apt install flatpak command to install the runtime.

sudo apt install flatpak

Having installed the “flatpak” package on your system, your next endeavor is to activate the Flathub app store. You can activate the Flathub app store by issuing the flatpak command in the Chrome OS terminal.

flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

With the Flathub app store set up on Chrome OS, you are now ready to install the PlexAmp app on your Chromebook with the flatpak install command. It’s pertinent to be aware that this command could necessitate a few minutes to fulfill.

flatpak install flathub com.plexamp.Plexamp

Upon the completion of PlexAmp’s installation on your machine, you will be empowered to initiate it from the “Linux apps” directory found within the Chrome OS app menu.
How to Use PlexAmp

To start your musical journey with PlexAmp on your Chromebook, start up the application. You can locate it by navigating through the “Linux apps” menu. When the app is open, a login screen will make its appearance.

At the PlexAmp login interface, proceed to the “Email or Username” textbox and engage with it using your mouse. Input your email or username. After you have entered your credentials, access the “Password” box and then make your way to the “Sign In” button. Alternatively, you have the option to sign into your Plex account via a browser within PlexAmp. However, you’ll need to have a Linux-compatible browser like Firefox, as Chrome for Chrome OS will not be able to let you sign in with it.

PlexAmp is displaying now playing modes.

Once logged into PlexAmp, your music library will be at your disposal. Here, clicking on the search icon within PlexAmp will open up the search functionality. Enter the specifics of the band, song, artist, or playlist you’re inclined to enjoy and make your selection.

With your selection made, PlexAmp will commence playback of your chosen music on your Chromebook. Delight in your music experience!

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