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Using AI To Write Songs And Lyrics

Using AI To Write Songs And Lyrics

Writing song lyrics is time consuming, complicated, and can be subject to writer’s block. With the right AI tools, however, the song creating process can be helped along, while still maintaining your style, flair, and personal involvement. The entire process is easy, fast, and fun. We’ll walk you through all the benefits of using an AI song lyrics generator. Meanwhile, if you just can’t get enough of all things music, here’s the most trusted sites for free music downloads.

Can AI Write Songs?

Retro microphone

Absolutely. AI is poised to change the music industry by helping songwriters to create songs faster, easier, and with more variation and flexibility than they could on their own. How? Artificial intelligence creates algorithms and new music by learning from already existing music. Once it has studied and been exposed to enough of this type of data, it can produce new music on its own through machine learning. It will learn patterns and be able to make variations and alterations to those patterns, producing something new and unique.

AI can do more than just write a song. It’s particularly useful for helping writers to produce original song lyrics too. While you may not necessarily choose or want to have it write line by line for you, it’s a great tool to help your own creativity get jump started.

Benefits of Using AI to Write Lyrics

Laptop with songwriting software

  1. Helps with writer’s block: It’s incredibly difficult to just plop down and start writing creative lyrics, cold. Gaining momentum and inspiration takes time. That’s why using an AI lyrics generator is a great way to give you ideas and a starting point.
  2. Helps you develop your style: If you’re new to song writing, it can be difficult to branch out and find your inner style and voice. Using an AI lyrics generator allows you to experiment. You can try different styles and formats, easily and quickly, settling into your natural preferences the more you play with the tool.
  3. Helps you write music faster: Using a lyrics generator is like having a professional songwriter working alongside you. You can use a blend of your own lyrics and those suggested by the AI, or you can even just use their suggestions as inspiration. Either way, it helps the creative process happen so much faster with endless ideas at your fingertips.
  4. Especially useful for rappers: AI song writing tools are helpful for every genre of music, but they are particularly great for rappers who need tight, well rhymed lyrics to keep their flow going.

AI that makes song lyrics

There are several AI song writing tools out there, but the one by Beatopia is one that we recommend. Already well-loved for their “beats,” and other music writing options, they now have Deep Flow, an AI lyric tool. It’s easy to use, fast, and full of creative helps for the lyric writing process.

Want more music tips? Here’s how to listen to Spotify on your Chromebook.

How Beatopia works

Beatopia features

Here’s how it works. After signing up to Beatopia’s service, you gain access to both beats and Deep Flow’s AI lyrics generator. Beats are fully mastered, professional level music tracks as high quality as any hit songs out there. You can use them as a background to create your own melodies and lyrics. It allows vocalists and rappers to build their own unique tracks and then upload their new song to YouTube, TikTok, Spotify, Soundcloud, and other online music platforms.

Using Deep Flow for song lyrics

Example of deep flow lyrics

Not does Beatopia provide these beats for those who want them, you get unlimited AI generated song lyrics too. Deep Flow will produce lyrical phrases, lines, and words according to the user input. You decide what topics, ideas, concepts, and genres and Deep Flow jumps from that data. Here’s what it looks like:

Deep flow lyrics

You can also select the “rhymes,” option, to come up with lyrics that rhyme, get new suggestions as needed, or even write your own lyrics for Deep Flow to use as inspiration for its suggestions.

Pairing beats with Deep Flow

Music genre photos

For those wanting to build their whole song through Beatopia, they can download a beat as a base track to work with while they add their own vocals and lyrics, creating entire song ideas.

You can browse the beats before you download them, even before you sign up for the service, if you wish. Then you get a great idea if the styles and offerings are right for you.

Music genres

Music tags

When choosing which beats to use, you have multiple genres and even sub-genres to select from. All the major styles are there, including Rock, Pop, and Hip Hop. There are tags too, in order to further tailor your results. These come in several options, like bouncy, upbeat, or even gloomy.

The ethics and future of AI songwriting tools

Man composing with computer program

Is AI our friend or foe? With all the hype against AI software these days, it’s easy to want to immediately think the worst of AI in the creative industry. But, it’s not nearly as doom-filled as you might think. In fact, such tools actually help songwriters, they don’t replace them.

We spoke to Tasos Frantzolas, the founder of Soundsnap and Beatopia, who puts it perfectly,

“AI for lyrics will not replace songwriters, in the same way that photoshop doesn’t replace photographers. It’s a tool that gives creators superpowers and makes them more creative and more efficient.”

AI songwriter tools are just that. Tools. They still require the human element to make them work their best, especially considering musical artists are all about expressing their own sound and voice in their lyrics and songs. Tasos, again, puts it well,

“If you are using AI to write a whole song, that’s not a bit lame in my opinion. Our AI is meant to help artists beat writer’s block and enhance their own ideas.”

Beatopia is particularly adept at overcoming common AI song concerns. They put a surprising emphasis on the human element, even protecting creators and their efforts. Here are some of the common concerns people have when it comes to artificial intelligence in the creative industry.

Copyrighting and intellectual property rights

Copyright law may be different depending on which country you live in and what AI songwriting software you’re using. Who gets credited for the work is the biggest question. In some countries, AI produced work cannot be considered protected. However, jointly composed works between humans and AI have more flexibility in many areas. Different AI tools will come with different protections, or lack thereof, so it’s important to do your research before you select a certain service.

Beatopia owns all the rights to their beats, save for the underlying musical composition provided by the third-party music producer who provides the beats to Beatopia in the first place. They do grant you a non-exclusive, limited, non-sublicensable license to the beat. You can download, reproduce and use it with your own recorded vocal works, the combination of which is called the “Master Recording.” You can distribute, perform and display the Master Recording with quite a bit of leeway, all the while knowing your legal ducks are in a row already.

Credit and recognition

Remember those third-party music producers we just talked about? The ones who actually create the beats? Quite often those are humans who were deemed talented enough to sell their beats to the site. Beatopia prides itself in their taste for quality, so these producers must be the best to be able to have their works used.

Not only does Beatopia get many of their beats from human beings, they’re also very well credited and protected. When and if you publish your Master Recording, the beat producer will be entitled to fifty percent of the music publishing for their publishing share they contributed to. They also must be credited for their part in the Master Recording, legally ensuring their efforts to the finished product are recognized. Here’s more info on Beatopia’s licensing.

AI lyrics and copyrights

When it comes to Beatopia, their AI song lyrics generator actually has an interesting catch. It is not meant to be used for commercial use but, rather, for your own private and personal reasons. You own all the rights to your prompts and unique, original lyrics entered from your own creativity, but the AI generated lyrics are owned by Beatopia. You are allowed to use these AI lyrics if they aren’t commercial in nature, but if you plan to do anything more with them, you will be breaking their restrictions and could wind up in hot water.

Now, at first, this may sound like a bad thing, but I disagree. The lyric generator is meant for inspiration and research. It was never meant to replace your own creativity. Naysayers will accuse artificial intelligence tools of such, but no. Especially in the case of Beatopia, it’s actually prohibited to have the AI write everything for you to profit off of. If you want to have fun, be silly, and let it help you make songs with little input, you certainly can, so long as it’s used privately only. Otherwise, it’s not going to make you any money and even then, the beat artists must still be recognized. Naturally there is a lot that goes into all this legality. Here’s a link to Beatopia’s lyrics license information. Long story short, Deep Flow was meant to be your writing partner. Something you work with and use to enhance your own contributions.

I personally love this. It’s a tool. It’s only ever meant to be a tool, not a creator. That’s your job, not the AI’s. What AI writer programs, like Beatopia, do is teach you. They show you how to create, quickly. They give you a foundation to build off of and help spark your own ideas. After all, the life, soul piercing lyrics, the mood and emotion that music brings? That will always be a human thing.

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