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How to Create AI-Generated Images for Digital Marketing Campaigns

How to Create AI-Generated Images for Digital Marketing Campaigns

Visuals are key in digital marketing campaigns. Business owners can promote their brand and intrigue their audience with properly designed quality images and posters. However, creating art is no simple task and often takes time and consumes money.

This is where generative AI tools jump in to save the day. Marketers can quickly and effortlessly turn their raw ideas into advertisement pictures using such tools. This article discusses creating and using AI-generated images for digital marketing campaigns.

Your Image Should Resemble Your Campaign Goals

The visuals of your campaign should align perfectly with its goals. To effectively design a suitable picture that resembles your marketing objectives, you must first define a smart plan for your marketing campaign. Your advertising purposes must be specific, measurable, logical, and realistic.

Think of your campaign goal as a well-structured sentence. For instance, instead of aiming for “becoming more famous”, you should set your campaign goal to “increasing brand awareness among Instagram users”.

It is the purpose of your campaign that determines your target audience, proper marketing channels and strategies, and the style and composition of the images you want to generate to achieve your digital marketing aims.

If you have a clear marketing goal, you can come up with more effective prompts for generating images using AI.

Tailor Your Image to Your Target Audience’s Taste

After defining a clear goal, you should determine your campaign’s target audience: the community of your ideal customers. It can comprise a specific generation or a particular class of people.

The images you want to use for your campaign must captivate your target audience’s attention. If you aim to prompt a particular age group or class to action, you should try incorporating their values and idols in the images you create.

Research your target audience and get to know their taste better. This way, you’ll know what image composition and style can intrigue them more.

Optimize Your Image for Marketing Channels

With your marketing goal clearly defined and your target audience identified, you have to determine the most effective channels for reaching out to people you intend to engage and design your campaign images according to the rules and layout of your marketing medium.

If you want to promote your brand via Instagram, the images you want to use in your campaign must be optimized to fit Instagram’s layout. Also, the style and tone of your photo should vary on different platforms. For instance, while a cool, friendly image style might attract your audience on Instagram, you would need more professional visuals for a platform such as LinkedIn.

Learn How to Write Efficient Prompts for Image Generation

A prompt is the text input you give an AI tool to create images. It is a set of instructions determining your image’s style, content, and layout. Since generative AI tools rely on text prompts to create images, how you write your prompt plays a crucial role in determining the composition of their output.

A standard prompt has the following structure:

Subject + Description + Style and Layout

A simple example would be:

A cat + working with a laptop + photo, detailed image

As you can see, a standard prompt has three key elements. Let’s discuss each in detail.

1. Subject

A subject is the main focus of your image. It is what captivates the attention of your audience first. It can be a person, an object, an animal, a scenery, etc. Keep the following tips in mind when choosing a subject:

  • Represent your brand: Think of a subject that aligns well with your brand.
  • Use intriguing subjects: You can use social idols, famous movie characters, video game protagonists, or comic book heroes in your image to effectively harvest acknowledgment.

2. Description

A description is a set of details about the subject of your image and its surroundings. It determines the point and content of your image. When writing a description for your picture, consider the following tips:

  • Use simple language: A wordy description confuses your AI tool and decreases the accuracy of its results. Make sure your prompt is clear and concise.
  • Use adjectives: Adjectives inject emotions into your prompt and determine your image’s overall mood and tone. Using the proper adjectives, you can inspire desirable feelings in your audience.
  • Be specific: Some AI tools are biased toward a particular set of outputs in terms of color, form, etc. For example, if the subject of your image is a squirrel, you might always receive a picture of a red squirrel. Consider including details like color, texture, and shape in your text prompt.An AI tool understands your purpose better if you describe it more precisely.
  • Include keywords: Depending on your marketing goals and target audience, you can put keywords in your description for a more accurate outcome.

3. Style and Layout

You can further tailor your AI-generated image to your marketing campaign by adding more details to your prompt. Consider specifying a particular mood for your image according to your campaign goals, target audience, and marketing channels. Here are several suggestions:

  • Identify a style: There are myriad appealing art styles to choose from when using AI to generate images. Realism, surrealism, cyberpunk, fantasy, architecture, Baroque, etc., are keywords you can put in your prompt to determine your image style. You can also instruct your AI tool to copy the style of famous artists.
  • Specify image composition: Depending on your marketing goals, you can instruct your AI tool to generate a photo, a portrait, or a painting.
  • Mention image quality and resolution: Using high-quality images for your marketing campaign is best. You can instruct your AI tool to give you full HD images or determine the aspect ratio of your picture in your prompt.

Now that you have learned the basics of prompt writing, you can create suitable images for your marketing campaign using an AI tool. Here are some example prompts:

  • Surreal painting of a sad panda playing trombone high-resolution 3D render
  • A cowboy riding a magic broom in the style of a Salvador Dali painting
  • A realistic portrait of a modern businessman in a brown suit

General Prompt Writing Tips When Using AI-Generated Images for Digital Marketing Campaigns

When writing your prompt, consider the following tips to optimize your experience of creating AI art for your marketing campaign:

  • Consider the length of your prompt: It’s best to write at least 3 to 7 words for each prompt. A prompt lacking basic details cannot generate an appealing output. On the other hand, images generated based on lengthy prompts usually lose accuracy.
  • Concrete words increase result accuracy: Concrete terms refer to specific, tangible, measurable items. Writing an image description using concrete words allows your AI tool to generate exactly what you have in mind.
  • Abstract words increase output variability: Abstract words represent intangible ideas and beliefs such as love, liberty, beauty, etc. You’ll get more varied results by using abstract words in your prompt. However, the generated images are not guaranteed to resemble your original goal. Still, some AI tools work better with abstract concepts.
  • Use positive prompts: In your description, mention what you want to be included in your image, not what is absent. For example, write “a bald man” instead of “a man without hair”.
  • Indicate the number of your subjects: Plural nouns are vague and can confuse your AI tool. Whenever you want to refer to several subjects, indicate their number. Keep in mind, though, that some AI tools fail to separate certain characteristics of multiple subjects, so it’s better to limit the number of items to 3.
  • Mind the grammar: Make sure your prompt is grammatically correct. Errors in your description can confuse your AI tool and hinder its performance.
  • Borrow ideas: If you come across an image that suits your marketing purposes, you can use it as a reference for creating AI pictures.
  • Customize and combine: An AI image might not be your best option, but it can become suitable with a pinch of an expert’s touch. Combining AI tools with professional apps and further customizing AI-generated images is an excellent way of producing original content.

11 Best AI Tools to Create Images for Digital Marketing Campaigns

The golden rule of digital marketing is presenting your brand’s unique identity with engaging content. Suppose you want to use AI-generated images for your marketing campaign. In that case, you need a reliable AI tool that gives accurate, high-quality outputs. Here are some of the most innovative AI image generators you can use for digital marketing:

1. Jasper Art

Jasper Art results

Jasper Art is one of the best AI tools for creating personalized images. Most AI tools only rely on textual descriptions to generate pictures. On the other hand, Jasper Art stands out in the competition by giving you additional personalization options to determine your image’s mood, style, and other qualities.

This tool also features an exclusive art gallery, which can be a good inspiration source.

2. DALL.E2

Testing Dalle-2

DALL.E2 is a generative AI tool with solid editing features powered by OpenAI. It is an upgrade to its previous version and can now create high-resolution images with more accuracy. The results can be painting-like or realistic.

The editing options it offers make DALL.E2 stand out among its peers. You can add various features to images this AI tool generates and customize them to suit your campaign better. You can also give DALL.E2 a stock picture and generate an edited, realistic image based on it.

3. Photosonic AI

Photosonic art

Photosonic AI offers the highest variation of output images for a single description among the generative AI tools. It also tells you which part of your description prompted a specific output.

Images generated by this tool are high-quality and can be further customized with text annotations and filters. These features make Photosonic one of the most reliable AI tools for creating images for digital marketing campaigns.

4. StarryAI

SrarryAI sample image

StarryAI allows you to choose the style of your image and generate artistic or dream-like pictures. It is a straightforward AI tool that requires only a simple text prompt to generate high-quality images. The images StarryAI creates are very detailed and visually appealing.

You can open this tool on your browser or download its Android or iOS app for free.

5. DreamStudio

DreamStudio AI Platform

DreamStudio is an open-source generative AI tool with a user-friendly interface. It allows you to determine the number of images you want to create and the height and width of the generated pictures.

The quality of images produced by this tool is decent, and the AI tool can recognize and deliver text prompts with great accuracy.

6. NightCafe Studio

NightCafe Studio Art

NightCafe Studio offers 5 distinct machine-learning algorithms to create art. You can select the Artistic algorithm and go surreal with your images or choose the Coherent algorithm and generate realistic photos that obey the laws of physics. 

After selecting your algorithms, NightCafe lets you choose from a wide range of art styles, including anime, CGI, and artistic portraits, to actualize your ideas more accurately. This AI tool allows you to print your generated images.

7. Artbreeder

Artbreeder-generated portraits

Artbreeder is an AI tool with unique options for generating images. Artbreeder Collager allows you to create pictures using simple shapes, stock images, and a text prompt. For instance, you can draw a circle on a plain background and write a short description. This tool alters your drawings to match your prompt.

Splicer is another exciting feature of Artbreeder that allows you to create portraits, landscapes, and paintings by mixing images. You can then alter your image’s properties and take it in various directions.

8. Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator

Powered by Google, Deep Dream Generator uses deep learning algorithms to generate astounding art pieces. You can share your images with the app’s user community or browse pictures created by others and borrow new ideas.

Deep Dream Generator offers several image generator tools to create realistic, abstract, and psychedelic art or a mixture of these styles.

9. NeuroGen

NeuroGen sample art

NeuroGen needs only a brief description to generate AI art but gives you plenty of options once you create your desired images. One of the most exciting features of NeuroGen is that you can create videos from the pictures you generate.

Additionally, this AI tool features a built-in editor too. You can use it to customize the generated pictures further. You also have the option to download the created pictures and edit them with other applications.

10. Craiyon

Craiyon-generated images

Craiyon is DALL.E2’s free version and a straightforward tool for creating AI art. You can generate 9 different images using a text prompt in a few seconds. Similar to DALL.E2, pictures created by Craiyon are artistic and painting-like.

However, this AI tool features no editing tools, though. Moreover, you have to be as descriptive as possible when entering your prompt since this AI tool is less accurate than its premium peer.

11. Lexica

Lexica art gallery

Lexica is a simple AI tool that can generate images based on a description and a negative prompt. It also allows you to determine the size of your photo and its tone. The style of the pictures generated by Lexica is artistic.

A feature that makes Lexica extremely useful for digital marketing campaigns is its search function. You can look up images, see what keywords people have used to generate them, and then create your pictures based on popular keywords and outputs.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using AI-Generated Images for Marketing

Many entrepreneurs and business owners use AI to promote their marketing campaigns instead of hiring graphic designers for these reasons:

  • AI is cost-effective: Most AI tools are free or offer affordable plans. As a result, using AI-generated images is much cheaper than hiring a designer.
  • AI saves time: Artificial intelligence can generate customized, original content quickly. If you lead a marketing campaign, using AI to create hundreds of images in no time gives you a competitive edge.
  • AI creates personalized content: By analyzing your business data, AI can create content that matches your desired description and is tailored to your marketing campaign. Many AI tools also allow you to customize the generated images.
  • AI-generated content is scalable: From posters to stock photos and icons, AI can create images suitable for various platforms and purposes.
  • AI-generated content has no copyright issues: Since the content created by AI tools is personalized and often original, you won’t experience any copyright issues. You can use AI-generated images anywhere without mentioning the AI tool you use.

However, using AI has several limitations. Some business owners hesitate to rely on AI-generated images for digital marketing campaigns because:

  • AI does not guarantee quality: AI-generated images are often no match for the works of graphic designers and illustrators. In many cases, results might seem unrealistic or low-quality and need more edits to look better.
  • AI has technical limitations: AI tools work on pre-trained data and cannot generate images or recognize commands beyond their programming. If an AI tool is designed to create painting-like photos, you cannot expect any other output style from it. In addition, since an AI tool’s pre-trained data is limited, some of the specific details of your request might be absent in the generated output.


1. Can you own AI-generated images?

No. According to the US copyright office, AI-generated content is not eligible for copyright.

2. Can I sell AI-generated art as NFT?

Yes. You can use AI tools to generate NFT artwork and sell them in digital format.

3. Can AI take over digital marketing?

AI has come a long way and can help enhance the quality of digital marketing campaigns. However, in its current state, AI is no match for human creativity, problem-solving skills, and strategic thinking. However, business owners can use AI to analyze large datasets and content cr

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