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Having launched in 2008, the world of technology has continued to evolve in ways we could not imagine. Since day one, we undertook the task to sort the good stuff from the bad for our readers.

From a time where new computer software was relentlessly being developed to do things that, today, our smartphones can do out of the box! To recent times of endless apps and web-apps to elevate our daily lives. To the future tech that is being enabled by advances in tech such as AI, augmented reality, and decentralized architectures. AddictiveTips is here for it all!

Our team of experts continues to test, learn, and share our latest research to help you improve your daily life with today’s technology.

Our Promise

We want to help you get the best and latest tools the tech industry has to offer.

Through our product knowledge and expertise, the team at Addictive Tips aims to provide answers and offer insights into issues that arise with our favorite technologies.

Whether it’s Windows troubleshooting, iOS updates, Linux workarounds, hardware tips, software tricks, and much more, our well-rounded team of technology experts know how to bring you accurate and digestible advice.

Our Values

  • Honesty & Transparency
  • Accuracy & Credibility
  • Kindness & Trustworthiness
  • Education & Open Access

With these values in mind, we promise:

  • Step by step tips you can trust – Our industry experts research the latest trends in online privacy and security.
  • Up-to-date advice – Technology moves fast and so do we. You can count on us to bring you relevant tips that work for you today.
  • Solutions to get the most out of your tech – We dig deep to find solutions for the tools you love

Meet the Team

Enthusiasts all around, we each bring various technology expertise to compose this well-rounded AddictiveTips team. From methodical research and data analysis to editorial prowess for creating easy-to-understand tips, our mix of technical diligence and editorial talent is what sets us apart.


Elisabeth Galina Tech Tip Writer

Elisabeth Galina, Concordia grad & tech expert with a flair for engaging content. Worked with giants like Toyota & TechWyse. Adept at IoT, NLP, cybersecurity, she's a former strategist for Addictive Tips, now shining in SEO writing.

Andrew Briley Tech Expert

Andrew Briley, UArk grad and tech expert, excels in web hosting, VPNs, and cybersecurity. With experience leading a university's website revamp, he now breaks down tech for everyday users at AddictiveTips, bridging technicality and consumer needs.

Fergus O'Sullivan Tech Writer

VPN security expert, Fergus O'Sullivan, leverages a decade of journalism experience from Taiwan's daily press to top-tier tech publications. He has tirelessly ensured consumer protection via 100+ honest software reviews, upholding integrity in tech.


Throughout the years, our tips have been shared and referenced by many organizations, major blogs, and individuals (e.g., across forums and sites like StackCompare and StackExchange), highlighting the value of our content.

Some notable examples include:


To help share our tips with as much of the world as we can, many of our major articles are also offered in several different languages with country-specific advice including:

  • UK flag image
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YouTube Channel

Our humble AddictiveTipsTV YouTube channel continues to grow and help users:

  • Nearing 15 millions views
  • Averaging 300,000 views a month
  • Over 1000 videos and shorts
  • Growing subscriber base of 17k+

Content Integrity

At AddictiveTips, our commitment to providing accurate and trustworthy information is paramount. We understand that people rely on reviews and guides like ours for valuable insights, that’s why we take this responsibility seriously. Our team spends the time to test, fact-check, and create well-researched articles that provide a full perspective on the latest tech.

Transparency is also a core value for us, meaning we source our information, tell you exactly how we tested any products, and disclose any affiliation we may have with the brands that we feature. We make it clear for you to know when we are providing facts and when we are sprinkling in our expertise and insights as opinions.

Read more on our content integrity.

Editorial Process

For our extensive product round-ups like our VPN reviews, our dedicated research team tests the products through a standardized methodology and then gathers and analyzes the data needed to compare them fairly. This information is actively monitored and updated to ensure its accuracy. Our tech-writers then reference it to create timely articles that answer your questions.

Other tips and guides also go through an initial research phase by the individual author based on their expertise. Once the author is finished writing their article, the site editors add the final content tweaks and visual aids to help bring the articles to life.

Learn more on our full editorial process.

Review methodology

Our general review methodology involves a research and testing phase before any writing occurs. This is where our tech- writers first determine the major questions being asked about the product or service being reviewed, and then find ways to objectively test and answer those questions. This usually involves defining a subset of criteria that is being tested while defining exactly how that testing is taking place.

More specific review methodology is also established when we are testing multiple providers of the same or similar services, such as VPNs. See our VPN review methodologies page for exact details on that process.

Our Policies

See our policies and disclaimers below:

Contact Info

If you’re looking to get in touch with us, please send us a message on our contact us page. Or reach out to us here at Avangate: sales@profectus.group