LongBar – Alternative To Windows 7/Vista Sidebar
LongBar is a tile-based sidebar for Windows. It is based on Windows Longhorn Sidebar. Microsoft later replaced the Longhorn sidebar with Windows Gadgets. Those users who still love the retro Longhorn sidebar can use it once again thanks to Stealth2009 and the LongBar Project Group, who have resurrecting it back from the dead.
All you have to do is run the setup and it will install the sidebar automatically. Once done, load it up and you will the empty sidebar without any tiles. By default only two tiles are included – DriveMeter And Notes.
Just like Microsoft has a Gadget page from where you can download your favorite gadgets, LongBar has none. Instead the developers has created a separate repository for the LongBar tiles which can be found here. The list of new tiles is so good that you will be amazed to find tiles such as, Facebook, Quick Launch, Utorrent, BuddyList(Live Messenger), and many more.
Note that the files will be downloaded in zip file, just rename them and remove the .zip extension to get .tile extension file. To install them, first double-click them and then right-click the sidebar and select it from Add a Tile menu.
LongBar 1.0 and later works on Windows XP/Vista/7, but LongBar 2.0 only works on Windows Vista and Windows 7.
“Note that the files will be downloaded in zip file, just rename them and remove the .zip extension to get .tile extension file.”
Actually they will be downloaded in “.tile” file 😉
I’ll be testing this. Looks awsome.