PhotoEnhancer Core: Improve Photo Quality By Changing Light Level [Mac]
The number of photo editing apps available for just about any platform easily outnumber photo enhancement apps. For those of you wondering what the difference between the two is, a photo editor can let you add a spectacular handlebar moustache to a portrait, while an enhancement app will let you improve qualitative aspects of it. These enhancements can be light, exposure and contrast control or managing the levels of color in an image. PhotoEnhancer Core is a free Mac app available in the Mac App Store that allows you to improve the quality of an image. If you use the filters right, you can actually change time of day in an image.
The app supports drag & drop and additionally lets apply filters to images in batch. Add an image to the app and click the Filters button in top right corner. A new window opens with two sliders, Light and Enhancer, which change the level for each value. The app reflects changes as you make them.
For simple portrait shots, the difference you see will mostly be in the colors and level of brightness. The great thing about this app is that it doesn’t add a white screen to an image when you increase the light, or darken it out completely when you decrease. The app mimics true change on the photo had it been taken in different lighting conditions. The difference is best noticeable on landscape photographs, but can be spotted in portraits as well. Although this app performs a singular function, it nevertheless performs it well. It has recently gone free, so grab it while you can.
Get PhotoEnhancer Core From Mac App Store